List of Characters

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Emmett Apollo Lockhart — Lord Emmett Portsmouth is an earl by courtesy. After sabotaging his sister's relationship with his best friend in Artemis and indirectly causing his sister's entrapment in a loveless marriage with the country's crown prince, he is devoured by his own guilt. Despite his status as one of the country's most eligible young bachelors, has always been averse to matrimony, but he now feels unworthy of any marital happiness due to what he has done to his sister's life.

Emmeline Artemis Lockhart — Princess Emmeline is Emmett's twin sister. Though married to the crown prince, she remains deeply in love with her previous suitor Captain Peter Jamison, an officer in the Royal Navy. She is highly educated and has a great passion for many things, including music and life itself. She has forgiven Emmett for his wrongdoings, and determined that he should find happiness even though she may have lost hers.

William Lockhart — Duke William Mayfair is the twins' father. Despite his stoicism, he loves his children greatly, and is prepared to make great sacrifices for both of them. He is determined to secure Emmett a desirable marriage.

Bethany Rutherford — Lady Bethany is the twins' snobbish aunt. Despite her arrogance, she loves her niece and nephew dearly and, when making choices concerning them, will always do what she thinks will benefit them the most. Unfortunately, this does not always coincide with their actual best interests. Maybe, however, she will learn from past mistakes to be a better aunt.

Penelope Smith — Princess Emmeline's lady-in-waiting and closest friend. Quite akin to a younger sister, she is Emmeline's confidant in times of need, and is occasionally even able to offer bright new ideas regarding her problems. She is young, quick-witted, resourceful, and considerably less inhibited than her princess.

Alexander St James — The brooding crown prince, and Emmeline's husband. Forced to marry her, he is certainly not her lover but is very much her partner.

Sarah St James — Alexander's enthusiastic mother and the Queen. She is a truly intelligent woman, quick in wit and strong in character, and a valued aide to her husband the King. She is deeply fond of her daughter-in-law, whose aunt she is bosom friends with.

Andrew St James — The King. He is stone-cold through and through with one exception: he loves his wife with admirable depth. He would do nearly anything to please her and is always ready to defend her. His deep affections for her, however, have proved dangerous in the past.

The rest of the St James Brothers — a grand surprise.

Victoria Arden — Lady Victoria Arden is Emmett's prospective wife. She is a very proud woman, and generally unlikeable. Bethany Rutherford thinks her too full of herself.

Daniel Arden — Duke Daniel Westchester is Victoria's father. His character contrasts starkly against his daughter's: he is an extremely obliging and amiable man. Perhaps his own personality is part of the cause of Victoria's behaviour, for he gives in to Victoria far too often, and has quite spoiled her.

Georgeanne Arden — The Duchess Westchester, and a grand snob. She must have had great influence on her only child.

p.s. TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS! Writing contests – yay or nay?

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