Ch. 4

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Time skip to their first birthday. Sorry it's been a long time. I've been running off of like 20 hr of sleep every week. Because of band.

Bella's P.O.V
The twins are turning one and they look five today they get their own room because you know they're a boy and girl. I can't believe how fast they've grown up! We've also invited the pack to they're party

Lane's P.O.V

Me and  sissy turn 1 today! We are so excited. Today we are going to talk for the first time ever! Rosie learned how to walk she likes to run outside while I like to walk outside and we both like playing hide and seek! 😜😆 I love my family so much. They told since we grow so fast we won't be able to go to school and we know so much because we may look 5 but we know as much as a 20 year old. It's funny to see people in town and them ask what grade we are in and our parents telling them that we have to be homeschooled because we know so much we could to college. Anyway Rosie's and mine party is in 5 hours and Auntie Alice and Rose decided that it'll take 10 hours to get us ready. I mean I love them and all but I hate how they think it'll take this long to get ready...

Rosie's P.O.V
I turn one today!!!! I'm so happy. I look five but I'm actually one today after the party me and Lane get our own rooms. I love my Aunt Alice and Rose but they get on my nerves sometimes. They woke us up at 5 o'clock in the morning to get us ready for our party and it starts at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I mean yeah I love looking nice and neat and beautiful but that just come naturally to us because we're vampires. Today Lane and me get to meet the pack! I really hope they're nice because I don't want anything happening.

Seth's P.O.V

Today we are going to the Cullen's to celebrate the twins birthday. I feel like I'm meant to be with one of them but that might be wrong. I don't know.... Anyway I can't wait to go there this evening.

Time skip to the party

Edwards P.O.V

Can't believe they are one years old. Time has flown! We have made so many memories with the twins their first time hunting but they actually prefer human food they're first time walking. They haven't talked yet but they do through they're minds. It's really cool. Anyways their party theme is so cool it's called the The Vampires and Wolves gang. Alice has seen that Seth will imprint on Rosie and that a new wolf named Maylie will imprint on Lane. I wish that they wouldn't get imprinted on because that means they don't get a chance to meet other people.

Seths P.O.V
It's time to head to the party now. I can't wait to see the twins. I hope they like us. Anyway we are running to the Cullen house. I can see the twins running around playing they look so cute and my sister Maylie is looking right at the boy. I can tell that see imprinted on him. Then I see this beautiful girl and I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. Then I hear "OH SETH AND MAYLIE JUST IMPRINTED ON THE TWINS!!!!!!!" "Will you be quite Sam?" "No because I'm alpha and I can do what I want!" "Well you just gave sways that we are here stupid!!" Maylie said. "Well y'all stop fighting?" I said. "Yes I will Seth."Maylie said. "Come on let's go in" I said. "Alright" everyone else said. When we got into the house I asked them what are the twins names and they're names are Roseline Rose Cullen and Lane Alston Cullen they fit them so perfectly. I love Roselines name so much they told she likes to be called Rosie. Edward I imprinted on Roselin-Rosie and Maylie imprinted on Lane. I hope y'all aren't mad.." I thought to Edward. "No Seth we aren't mad we saw it happening" "okay thank you" "Rosie and Lane would you like to meet the pack?" Bella asked "Yes mommy. " "Okay so this is Seth , Maylie , Sam , Quil, Garret, Elizabeth, and Jacob mommas best friend." "Hi everyone!" The twins shouted. "Alright time for cake and ice cream!" Esme said. "Yay!!" Rosie said. We all followed Esme to the kitchen. "Alright who wants to lead the song?" "I volunteer Edward!" "Alright HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ROSIE AND LANE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Alright make a wish!" "Now move out of the way we have to let the twins go first then the pack. " "Rosie did you make a wish ?" Lane said. "Yes brother I made a wish. Did you?" "Yes sissy I did." Momma can I sit next to Seth?" "Yes sweetie you may. " Rosie comes and sits next to me when she gets her cake and ice cream and says "will you be my best friend?" "Yes I will Roseline. " "you can call me Rosie . You know?" "I do I just like to call you Roseline but if you don't like me calling you that I won't. " "Oh you can. I don't mind I like it coming from you." "Okay eat your cake." When she finished eating her cake she said present time! "Rosie wait till Lane and the rest get done okay?" "Okay momma. " about five minutes later they done eating.

Rosie's P.O.V
I like Seth so much he's my best friend! I'm pretty sure Lanes best friend is Maylie. Now that's it present time I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what I got! "Okay how's ready??" Momma said. "Me me me me!!" Me and Lane shouted. "Okay here you go!" Momma and days got me new clothes, they got Lane action figures, Alice got us both new closets, Rose got us new beds, Emmett got us those cars we can drive around the house , Jasper got us books, Grandpa and Grandma got us our own game systems ! "OMG THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!" "Sorry we didn't get you anything we didn't know what you like ." Sam said. " It's okay guys." "Well we've got to go and run the woods. Talk to y'all later." "Bye pack!" "Alright I think it's someone's bed time." Mommy said. "Goodnight yall!! Love y'all!!" "Night Rosie and Lane! Love you!"

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