Chapter 2

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I yawned the longest and deepest yawn I have ever produced as I felt myself waking up. I kept my eyes closed knowing that I would be mortified if I looked in a mirror right now. I could just tell that I hadn't taken off my makeup from last night and the slight headache I had already wasn't exactly telling me to open my eyes. So I laid there silently and contently keeping my eyes closed even though I knew I couldn't sleep anymore.

Then I heard someone inhale deeply from right beside me. That's when my eyes opened and I turned my head towards the sound of the breathing. Alex? Wait this isn't my bed...? Oh right, I'm at Zack's house. We all stayed the night. I guess I ended up falling asleep with Alex.

Whenever I woke up from a night of drinking, I could never remember a single thing that happened. But I knew that as time moved on throughout the day I would be regaining memories from the night before.

As my eyes adjusted to the light in the room, I eventually grabbed my phone and went through Twitter, Instagram, and anything that would keep me entertained while remaining in bed. I had been scrolling through All Time Low's Instagram page looking at all their recent photos, most of them taken by me. I had studied both photography and journalism in college so the boys brought me out on their tours often. I was mentally critiquing each photo, making notes in my head of what kind of pictures to try out next time.

I felt the bed move slightly and heard the sound of Alex's body moving under the sheets. I looked over momentarily to see that he was facing away from me. I stayed focused on my phone, going back to twitter. Clicking the "new tweet" box, I typed out "Hangovers are the worst! Someone cuddle me til I feel better!" Just about a minute later, a got a notification from twitter saying that someone replied to my tweet.

"@AlexAllTimeLow @JenBaker1167 Cuddles coming right up!" Huh? In the blink of an eye he had flipped himself over so he was facing me and held me tight. I didn't realize he woke up!

"Better?" was all that he had to say.

"Um, good morning" I replied.

"You didn't answer me" he pressed on about his previous question.

I sighed and smiled "yes Alex. This is great."

"Good, so what do you say to going out Wednesday night? I know your schedule is pretty flexible" Alex spoke with confidence.

His inquiry threw me completely off. The guy just woke up a minute ago and he's asking me out? Is he still drunk?!

"What?" I couldn't think of anything else to say except that.

"Come on. Me, you...we could go see a movie, or go to the fair...I know how much you love those games."

I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to understand where this was all coming from. So I fully came out and asked him "where is this coming from?"

"Oh please Jen. Are your memories from last night not coming back to you yet?"

I shook my head no in response, "I don't remember that much yet."

"I was trying to make it clear that I kind of have a thing for you. You didn't realize it when I fully grabbed onto your boobs? Or tried to make out with you?"

"Alex, I know you when you're drunk and you get very friendly..."

"Yes, yes I do. But did you maybe think that I was extra friendly to just you on purpose? Because I don't recall trying to kiss anyone else."

I sat motionless and stared at the wall across from me for a moment. Alex's arms loosely around my waist. Is one of my best friends actually asking me out on a date? Does he like me? Or is he just trying to get some morning sex?

"You don't want to, do you?" He asked almost sadly.

"Oh, um, Alex you're just gonna have to give me some time to think about it okay?" I sat up leaning my back against the headboard of the bed frame.

"It's hard to wait when you look like that" he said and stared at my body.

"Damn it" I realized that I had slept in just my bralette and underwear and put the sheets back over me.

Alex laid back beside me, no longer cuddling into me. I fear that I've made things majorly awkward. But it's his fault too! Why did he have to ask me out? Why did he put me in that position?

"Well, I'm off to grab a cup of coffee from downstairs, want one?" Alex asked happily as he left the bed. He seemed to bounce back from the awkward situation that just occurred.

"Sure, thanks" I said back and he left the room a second later.

I knew for a fact Alex wasn't one who was familiar with rejection. In high school, any girl that he would ask out would reply with a Yes within 3 seconds. Not that I had actually rejected his date offer...But come on, him and I have been friends since we were both 10! That's 15 years of friendship and all of a sudden he's interested in me? Was he just feeling lonely? He hadn't dated anyone in the past year and a half, just the occasional one night stands and week-long flings.

He walked back into the bedroom with 2 coffee mugs in hand, the smell of the coffee instantly making me smile. And the fact that Alex wasn't wearing a shirt helped bring that smile to my face. Oh god, am I doing that thing where when you find out someone might be interested in you, you subconsciously start thinking about them in that way too?

"I added in a drizzle of caramel to yours cause I know you like it like that" he smiled widely at me as he brought the mug over to my side of the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed beside me, "but it's super hot so I'll just leave it on the table here for you."

"You're the best, Alex" I smiled gratefully.

"I know" he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Again, I was in shock. "And that's why you should go out with me."

His confidence was appealing, I'll tell you that. "Alex, you're one of my best friends..."

He interrupted me, "yes, and we wouldn't have to go through all that first date getting-to-know-each-other crap! I already know that your arm is double jointed and it freaks people out. I already know that you won't swim in the ocean cause you're scared, but yet you love Jaws. I already know all your personality traits, your likes, dislikes...why won't you just admit that us together would be a great idea?"

I felt sort of defeated after he made his point. "Alex. We just can't. Yes, you already know me and I know you. But could you imagine if things went wrong? We've got an amazing group of friends around us, I photograph you guys on tour...If things ended badly, there goes me touring with the band, and our friends would definitely have to take sides. I couldn't imagine breaking up the 8 of us just because us 2 decided to try dating. Even worse, I couldn't imagine not having you in my life as one of my best friends."

Silence fell upon the two of us. I started scratching my arm awkwardly, then went to grab my coffee mug from the bedside table.

A hand covered mine on the mug before I could lift it up. "Do you even like me? Like, in that way?" Alex questioned staring me in the eyes, his voice quiet with a hint of desperation to know.

"I'm not saying yes...but I'm not saying no" I replied. "Can I drink my coffee now?"

He gave me a smile. I knew that smile, I've grown to know that smile very well. It was the smile Alex gave a person when he was thinking of something else in his head.

"Sure. Enjoy your coffee, but just know, I'll make this happen." He lifted himself up from the bed and headed for the door.

"Make what happen?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. He just stopped and turned around to face me. He pointed his finger at me, then at him. Giving me a wink, he left the room.

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