chapter two: memories of the past

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sorry for being a little late on the chapter. (picture taken from google.)

note by author: This chapter contains sexual content so do not continue if you're sensitive to such scenes.

There was a loud noise of the thunder and it started to rain. Russell set there in his study lost deep in thoughts when Arianna passed across the study. He only got a glimpse of her. She seemed to have lost weight. She was already thin and now she was losing weight. Russell wanted to go and hold her. Bring her back to his arms and make love to her all night. He hated himself for having such incest thoughts about his sister. He was the person who should be protecting her but he was her most fearsome predator.

He never saw her as his sister. From the moment he saw her Russell has always considered her of the opposite sex. He was attracted to her and he wanted to touch her. She was the forbidden fruit for him. The thought that she was right there before his eyes and not being able to touch her drove him insane. He acted cold towards her so that he can control his feeling towards her. The only way he could protect his heart was hating her. But he never could bring himself to hate her. She is his first love and after her there never came another women to which he had such a craving. Was it because she is the forbidden fruit for him or was it true love?

The rain drops fell heavily on the window and Russell turned his chair towards the window effortlessly, leaning back folding his arms on his chest. It rained the same way that night. Stormy and dark.

Same night seven years back...

After their parents funeral Russell was shaken to his cores. He lost his father. The man who was his idol and had so much to teach him about the family business. Now Russell was left alone to the men eating men world. He now only had Arianna who hated him for how he treated her and was avoided him after seeing him have sex. He was so ashamed of himself that he wanted to dig his own grave and crawl into it. He even called her peeping tom to see if she responded to him. But she hated him so much that she didn't even talk to him. She would hate him more if she knew what he does to her in his mind. And how he imagine her when he had sex with other women. Russell was surprised to the type of person he had become because of her. He lusted her so much it threated his own existence.

All relatives, higher authorities and ministers came to join his father's funeral. Even his fiancé Lillian came with her family. She was the good girl. The innocent stupid girl in love with him and ready to marry him. Their marriage was arranged and Russell didn't mind marrying her as he would have to marry one day and it can't be Arianna. Russell and Lillian were childhood friends so it was her or a complete stranger to be married to.

Lillian was good to him and she listened to him. She was kind to his family and ready to walk down the path of marriage with him. Lillian waited in the study with him and talked to him trying to comfort him that night. Russell started drinking in his study after Lillian left. He wanted to forget that he had to take all the burden while he was just twenty five. He wanted a moment of freedom from all his worries, from all the love he kept buried inside him for Arianna. He just wanted to be in peace for a stolen moment from his materialistic life.

As Arianna walked past her brother's study after their parent's funeral she wanted to check on him. But did she have the courage to face him? What if he gets angry at her and shouts at her? Arianna thought as she stood in front of the study. She took a deep breath and then walked into the study.

"Brother? May I come in?" Arianna whispered as she walked in.

The study was dark there was a single dull lamp lit across the room which was partly useless.

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