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  "Is the camera on? Jinnie, come help me with the camera!"

  "It's on Joonie," Jin said while he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

  "Oh. Okay! Now hurry and open your present from Isabel and I!" Namjoon said excitedly as Isabel was shouting for her father to open the present.

  Jin opened the small present to see that their was a plain notebook that had flower printings on the spine of the notebook. When he opened it, he couldn't help but to cry and hug them both.

  "Read it appa!" Isabel shouted.

  "It's not something big, but I hope the messages written in here will always remind you that Isabel and Joonie are always going to love you."

  "Thank you so much. I love you both," Jin said while hugging Isabel.



  Isabel couldn't believe that their were videos as well. Her fathers really did want her to remember the past. They use to be so happy with each other. What happened that teared their small family apart?

  Isabel was about to call it a day, but then she saw the notebook from the video. It still looked new even though it's about fourteen years old. She opened the first page and felt the tears start to your as she read her father's neat handwritten messages.

It's not something big, but I hope the messages written in here will always remind you that Isabel and Joonie are always going to love you.

Hi appa! Remember if you forget your keys to check your shoes!

Jinnie should calm down. We're always here to be a stress reliever!

  Isabel noticed that there were messages that responded to them. They were written by appa; how she longs for the day to see them both. He didn't respond to every message,but the ones he did were in the year that everything went down.

I'll always love you. Don't forget your real family Jinnie <3

Then why doesn't it feel like a real family anymore Joonie?

  What happened that brought down their entire family?

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