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  Mikaela get up,packing his book and put in his bag ready to go to the history class placed near the cafeteria.He currently feeling happy at the tought of the boy who will be in the class with him after this.Fortunately,the two of them have a same class now which make Mikaela happy that he can punch whoever cut his way to the class but try to restrained himself.

  He carefully slid the door ajar,trying to casually act while his eye wandered everywhere searching for the boy.He not yet to know his name since they only apologizing only when the two of them bump before.His face turned to a bitter expressions as if he was just swallowing a bitter medicine down to his throat as he see the sight of Lacus,Ferid and Rene his so-called friends (which he doesn't think a least about they are his friends) approached him wearing a nasty smile.They settle themselves around the blonde.One at behind,one at right and one at left.Perfect,he is completely trapped.


  "Hmm,what is it?"

  Mikaela immidiately turn his face to the door as he heard that voice,his destinied voice.As he predict,it is him,the ravens.Mikaela gazed at the boy in awe,eye fixed on wherever the boy go.But soon,his face turn sour as he finally noticed that a lilac hair girl are clinging to him like a duckling.

  "You don't hear me don't you?As expect from Yuu the cherry boy.Who are you looking at?"the girl said playfully.

  "I-I'm not cherry boy!Stop that Shinoa!"He stuttered.

  Mikaela could not help but blush at the sight.Oh god,the boy is just to cute to take all of it.He then noticed that 'Yuu' is his name.

  "Yuu..Yuu-chan"he murmured as his cheek tinted in red.

  "What the hell?"Lacus frowned,"Who is this Yuu-chan and you are blushing like a perverted.It creep me out."

  Mikaela swear he feel like tearing those throat of him.He forgot that they still here and thrown them a glare."Why the hell are you still here?"

  "As a matter of fact,you don't own this sit Mika"Ferid snickered.

  The blonde pursed his lips and open his mouth to argued but shut it as the teacher come in.He only let a sneer left his mouth as he look infront back only to hear the sassy guy,Ferid let a giggle escaped to him.

  He settle himself as the so-called teacher ask them to quiet (more like yelling the heck out) as he open his book with eye fixed on the boy name 'Yuu' who currently looked annoy at the teacher.This make Mikaela kind of happy,at least they share something in common.

  During the lesson,he can't take his eye from him,observing of whatever move he do and when he shift to make himself comfortable.It's make Mikaela amused even with his small movement he do.Yeah,Mikaela don't care even if someone called him a creepy stalker or whatever it is.As long as he can observed his lil princess all of it is okay.He snapped back into cruel reality as the teacher called him.

  "You're dazing,"he growled,"Mind telling us Mr Shindo?Or you want to take my place to give lessons?"

  The blonde rolled his eye annoyingly as all students eye landed on him.What had he got himself into?It's not he cared anyway only the sounds of Ferid and Lacus laughing make him annoy.His eye searched the boy,his princess,his world and shocked as their eyes meet.Oh my god,for the first time in forever their eyes meet.Those cute emerald orbs and the midnight jet hair are looking at him perfectly.How he wished to kidnapped the boy and fly to his hometown in Russia and declared to be married to his parents.It must be a dream!A sweet dream Mikaela wished to happen.For a moment he stood in awe,the two boys eyes still gazing at each other like some dramatic scene in which the hero and heroin fall inlove at first sight.But soon,the ravens blushed like a mad.His face are completely red which make Mikaela blink in shocked.

  Did he just blushed?Blushed?Because of him?!Yeah he just!The ravens look infront back trying to avoid his gaze which Mikaela swear if he are anime character his nose will bleed constantly now.


  Mikaela look back at the sight of the annoying teacher which his face already light red in angryness.Calmly he replied back."Yes?"

  "Don't play dumb kid!If I catch you not paying attention again,I swear I will slay you!"

  Mikaela snorted,"Really I want to see if you dare.You might been chucked in prison you know."he murmured.Lucky the teacher doesn't caught that.

  "Sit!"he demanded.

  The blonde slumps back on the hard wooden sit in annoyance.Maybe he doesn't learn any lesson,he keep staring at the boy in awe.It's not he care anyway if the dumb person want to yelled at him again since he can't denied completely that he is a perfect students,straight A.Well he doesn't need any lesson to begin with,he is special,have a higher IQ than other,people can call him a prince,a king or even a Goddes who seem not to have any kind of flaw nor disabilites.But nope,they are wrong,he'd have a weakness.It's the boy himself Yuu-chan.


Dear Yuu-chan,

  Yeah,I named you as Yuu-chan.It's the boy I tell before.Anyway,today is really a day that god bless me for existing in this world.I jsut can't believe it!You know what?We fu*king stare at each other around 5 minute dammit!And soon he blushed,BLUSHED!Because of me!Ah this is the first time I feel happy being blessed with this hot,handsome face of mine.Anyway gotta go,the teacher are coming~Yuu-chan is so cute when he yawn.


      12;12 p.m.
      Staring at my beloved Yuu-chan♡-


Yup♡Finally done~It's fun to write this short chapter.Honestly I don't like to write any long chapter like a train<<Chuu chuu>>It makes me exhausted really so yep a short chapter make it fun to write.I decided to write a bit story cause of boredom.

Anyway enjoy ^3^~♡♡

《Stalker》×《MIKAYUU》Where stories live. Discover now