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  If Mika hadn't been too excited like this, he may woken up late. But today was different for him. Mika was going date with -what he called - his beloved Yuu-chan. God blessed hims for setting things right. He looked at the mirror, checking his oufit. Mika wore his favourite one which he rarely wore it since Lacus and others keep teasing him about his favourite oufit. But for Yuu-chan, he will do anything he can to impressed him. If he was lucky, Yuu might fall in him too.

  Mika quickly went down and grab a piece of toast his mother, Krul, did it. She eyed him suspiciously at his strange behaviour (must be because he woke up to early) though Mika ignore it in order not to get late in his first date.

"You're early Mika." Krul voice stopped him from going further. "Is there any reason to this strange side of you?" She asked suspiciously.

  "Not really. Just meeting up with my friends. You know, Ferid and others." Mika said with a straight face.

  Krul stared at him in silent before she suddenly blurted out, "You're not doing anything illegal isn't you?"

  "Holy shit, no Krul. Why would you assumed that?" Mika asked.

  "Nothing important. You can go now."

  Mika nodded before grabbing his car key and went out. He stopped his track as his phone buzzed and smile as the name of Yuu appeared at his screen. It was a simple message of 'Rise and Shine Mikaaaa (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) *sprinkle on top of you*' (which Mika found abnormally adorable as shit.) but it make Mika's day lightened up. If only Yuu will send him message every morning, it would make him grinning like stupid every morning like he was now.

  Mika replied back with a simple 'I'm going now. See you there.' Before walking into his Mazda RX-7 and drove away with a fluttering emotion.


  "Mika here!" A very familiar, sweet, voice caught Mika's attention fully. He abruptly turned his head to the source and grinned as he spotted the ravens boy waving at him. Mika make his way to him.

  "Hello, Yuu-chan. How're you? It's good to see you this morning." Mika subconsciously blurted out though he doesn't regretted it.

  Yuu laughed while Mika sat on the chair. It's a simple, quiet cafe which matched Mika's preffering. "Oh my god Mika. You're so sappy." Mika playfully snorted at that.

  "So where are we going?" Mika asked. "Is there a place you want to go?"

  Yuu furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his hand. Mika suspected Yuu was in deep thinking. "To be honest I want to go to theme park that just currently opened. But if you're not comfortable with that, we can choose other." Yuu answered.

  "I don't care too much. Theme park sounds fun. Let's choose that rather than boring movie." Mika said and jumped as a waiter approached them, asking for any orders.

  "Latte one. Oh and please make it a bit sweeter. What you prefer Mika?" Yuu asked.

  "I will go with Espresso." Mika smiled.

  After the waiter disappeared from the table, Yuu quickly said, "You drink bitter one Mika. I'm amaze of you." It make Mika's heart fluttered. He just make Yuu amazed without any intention of it.

  "Not really, I don't think that is something you should amaze about." Even if Mika said this, he swore he felt like soaring into the sky at Yuu's compliment.

  "Well for you. I can't even drink anything bitter so usually I will go with a sweet things. My friends said I have a sweet tooth." Yuu sighed.

  "I think it's cute." Mika simply replied. Smirking as Yuu's face blushed in light shade of red.

  "Shut up." Yuu mumbled.

  As they finished their drinks and arguing which one of them should pay for it (which ended up with Yuu in change Mika will pay for the theme park), they went to Mika's car (which surprised Yuu since he doesn't have a car and he arrived here with a taxi) and drove all the way to the new theme park. After the two of them arrived, Mika laughed at Yuu's enthusiasm which make the shorter boy gave him an annoyed look. Yuu was just to cute for his own good.

  They played until it became dark which Mika had to pleaded Yuu to went back since he was already worn out from all of the energy he used. (And of course Yuu agreed after seeing how tired Mika was). Even though it tire him out, Mika had to admit he loved today. He had learned more about his beloved Yuu-chan like he love curry and never date anyone before this which make Mika happy (Mika never date anyone before). They went to carpark and Mika smiled as he sees Yuu slightly dozing off. He must be tired too, playing the whole day off who will not? He nudged Yuu into the front seat before walking in the car and helped the sleepy Yuu-chan buckling his seatbelt.

"Sleep well." Mika patted him before drove away.

▪《《《 ▪ 》》》▪

Aaaa! I'm sorry it's not detailed because if it became too long, I feel like it will go bad. So here you go XD!
I want to updated today since my internet had broke down and in the middle of repairing and I used my cousins internet. So here you areee (;▽;)enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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