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Dear Yuu-chan,

  My fever had gone down and now I'm at school. Yuu-chan greeted me and asked if I'm okay which make me so happy knowing he care about me. I wonder when he will fall in love with me? When the time come, where he confess to me, if his parents doesn't let us stay in relationships, I will gladly run away with him. Lacus just saw it, this thing. Well, fuck him.

  Anyway, his question does bug me. Lacus asked if Yuu start missing his family, will I let him go back? As my honest answer, I will definitely say no. Of course I love him but if Yuu-chan himself try to separate us, I will definitely go mad. Oh and Lacus read it again and call me psycho. Not that I care whatever peoples say.

  About the date (or as Yuu-chan prefer to say hangout since he said it is embarrassing to call that) I still feel like it is a dream. We only know each other about 6 days ago? I don't really remember but it feels like we had known each other for a very long time. Did I said now is break? Because Yuu-chan just checked on me and reminded me that tomorrow is the date (of course there's no way I will forget it). This is the time where I feel shame to hangout with Ferid, Lacus and Rene. I hope I always alone everywhere because that does give off a cool vibe. They keep being nosy and ask Yuu-chan weird questions and even about porn which make Yuu-chan blushed like a mad person thought I admit it kinda cute. Yuu-chan said he doesn't read porn since his father are strict with him and keep checking his room for any stupid things he have.

I'm happy Yuu-chan doesn't read porn (but he claimed he had once saw it accidentally from his friends) that's mean he is still pure an innocent for me. Does he know I'm his future husband? (Lacus laugh at this. He said Iread fo many sappy stories.) Since Japan prevent homo, then I will just move to US. My family is kinda rich anyway so moving is a no problem. Anyway, I should stop now. The break has ended. (Lacus asked me if I wrote a fucking essay and I said yes amd it's about Yuu-chan)

        Standing while writing this at cafeteria-

Holy moly, it just 1 day to go!

"What the fuck is holy moly?" Lacus asked while walking to the next class.

"Can you stop looking at me while I'm writing?" Mika hissed.

He shrugged, hearing the aggressive tone his friend gave. "Your journal is funny and interesting because it doesn't match with your outer personality and that sweet personality is only when you are with that Amane boy."

"I hope you just die."

"I will someday" Lacus grinned.

  ▪《《《 ▪ 》》》▪

Okay I really want Mika to become innocent yandere not some yandere so he will not hurt Yuu.
I don't really know where's this story going on but I had wrote a couple of chapter but still doesn't finish and I still doesn't thought about the ending of this story but considering like this maybe still have a long way before it finish.
Anyway sorry for the lateness and enjoy (_')

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