6- A Spark

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Hangovers are the worst. I’ve experienced them before and I’ve always been aware of the pain that they cause in my head after a night of drinking. However, I was still surprised at the major headache that was pounding in my head the next morning when I finally woke up from my hibernation. 

I slept so late, actually, that Baker was even up before I was up, and that’s really saying something with how late she usually sleeps. Fortunately for me, though, Ross was still sleeping when I woke up. I was sure that the next time he woke up before me, I would feel his wrath since he never did find my camera (and with my great hiding skills, he never would) but I was holding that off for as long as possible.

Once I finally decided to lift my head off of the pillow that I was laying on, my watch told me that it was already four in the afternoon, and I heard talking all around me, so everybody else save for Ross was up. There wasn’t much talking though, because even though they were awake before me, they were still hung over and grumpy.

“Oh, look who’s finally up,” Baker sang once she noticed that I was now sitting up in the bed. Logan was the one driving at the front of the bus and everyone else was hanging out at the front of the bus.

I groaned, holding my head in my hands. “Dead.”

“Here,” Sydney laughed, walking to the back of the bus with a few Aspirins and a half gone bottle of water.

“Thanks,” I breathed, gulping down the pills with the water. “Gosh, how much did I drink last night?”

“A whole bunch,” She giggled. “But no more than everybody else, you’re just such an incredible lightweight.”

I sighed heavily and then stood all the way up, going into the back of the bus. The part of the bus where we used for storage also had these curtains that separated that little part of the back of the bus from the front, which was used as a changing room.

I got dressed in some jean shorts and a tank top and then brushed through my hair and my teeth using a water bottle and spitting in a cup before pouring it out the window of the bus. Nobody was around us though, so the spit didn’t land on anybody else’s car or anything. Once I looked a little bit more decent and not hung over, I reappeared and moved up front with everyone else.

“I’m just saying that if we go to Ohio, I want to see the Shoe,” Turner was explaining once I got there.

“Do they have the world’s largest shoe there or something?” Grace wondered from where she was sitting in one of the seats with her boyfriend’s arm around her shoulders.

“No, Grace,” Turner sighed. “God, you’re such a girl. The Shoe as in the Horseshoe?”

“Oh, so they have the world’s largest horseshoe,” Erin nodded in understanding.

Turner laughed along with Gaige and Kenton. “The Horseshoe is a football stadium,” Gaige filled in both Grace and Erin. “And they’re one of the best college teams in the league, OSU is.”

“Why do you watch college football?” I wondered, running my fingers mindlessly through my hair.

“Because football is a nice sport,” Turner defended.

“Okay,” I conceded.

“I honestly don’t think that I have ever had a hangover as bad as this one,” Rosa mumbled in misery, randomly changing the conversation.

“I’m sure everyone is miserable right now,” Logan called from where he was driving just a few feet away from us.

“Mainly Alaina,” Baker giggled and then everybody started laughing save for like, Kenton and Grace.

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