11- A Celebration

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“We need to celebrate.”

“What are we celebrating?” I wondered.

Baker rolled her eyes at me and took a sip of her coffee. “You and Kenton finally got together and we have to celebrate,” She informed me.

“You’re just looking for an excuse to throw some party and get drunk again, aren’t you?” I laughed, drinking from my hot chocolate. Because the guys wanted to go to that basketball game, going to the art gallery was postponed for a day, and that was where we were then, at the art gallery that Rosa wanted to go to. Well, I couldn’t tell if it was a museum or a gallery, but either way it was pretty cool. We were there all day though, so Baker and I were taking a small break of exploring to go to the small café that was inside of the building.

“Maybe,” She conceded with an innocent shrug. “But this really is super exciting news, don’t you think so?”

“I mean, I’m super excited about it obviously, but I don’t think everybody will think of it as a reason to celebrate,” I informed her giddily.

“Are you kidding?” Baker laughed. “It is a relief to everybody that you’re finally not just awkwardly flirting with each other, I can assure you that. Does anybody else know that you two kissed?”

“All of the guys do, considering they were there when it happened and then I told all of the girls this morning so yeah, everybody knows.”

“Wait, why were the guys there?”

“Because Kenton was trying to be romantic on the top of the bus, so it was just us two up there and it was really super cute and he was like ‘let’s just be insane’ and then he let it slip about what supposedly happened when we played truth or dare a little bit ago and he said that we kissed, Kenton and I, and so I just had to ruin the moment by freaking out and so I went to attack Ross but Kenton stopped me and just kissed me there on the bus. Technically, you guys were there, you were all just asleep.”

“He told you what happened?” She asked me with a giggle.

“Not everything, just what I could assume. Why? Is there more to it than us kissing?” I asked her with raised eyebrows.

She shrugged and stood up from the table. “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask your new boyfriend about that.”

“Baker,” I whined, following her out of the café and dropping our cups off in the trash as we left to go find everyone else.

“What?” She laughed innocently. “I’m not going to be the one to tell you. Obviously, you didn’t have sex or anything, so I’m not getting involved.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “Be that way.”

We found Rosa, Erin and Sydney looking at some photography pieces set up in one of the well lit room of the gallery. “Hey, there’s the lover girl,” Rosa sang when we approached them.

“You guys are dumb,” I giggled softly. “Are we allowed to touch that?”

“It’s a museum,” Erin reminded me. “You can’t touch anything.”

“But that kind of looks like it’s supposed to be touched,” I defended, pointing to the sculpture that was sitting in the middle of the elegant room. “It’s all big and smooth.”

“You have a boyfriend for that,” Sydney grinned.

“Yeah, there is no way that that sentence can’t be taken in a dirty way,” Baker snickered.

“Okay, that sounded very wrong,” I agreed with a laugh. “But that doesn’t mean that the statue isn’t just screaming ‘touch me!’ Doesn’t it look like fun?”

Years of the BusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang