Chapter 2

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*~authors note~*

well, here's chapter 2...........

Cassandra's P.O.V.

i woke up this morning gasping for air. it was one of those nightmares again. i get them every once in a while and they scare the shit out of me. finally when i relaxed slightly and my eyes got more focused, i noticed Dave lying there, in my bed, right next to me, asleep. how could i not have realized?? he was clinging on to my waist for dear life. i slowly pried him off me, carefully not to wake him up and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. i didn't want to be late today, and knowing my mom, she'll probably tell me to make breakfast for me and Dave and leave for work, not even bothering to say good bye or to wish us luck.

when i got out of the shower Dave was stretching on the bed.

"why were you asleep in my bed?" i asked, placing my hand on my hip. not that i minded but still. he has his own bed.

"you don't mind do you? i had a nightmare and it was scary. i tried to go to momy's room but it was locked." he said, with tears in his eyes. my eyes also started watering. he looked so sad. i'd do any thing to make him slightly happier.

"aaww come here Dave, don't cry. do you want to talk about it?" i asked, walking towards him and cuddling him in a huge bear hug.

"i saw daddy. i don't really remember how he looked in real life but in my dream he had blue eyes and he looked like me alot." he cried, the tears pouring down his face.

i felt like a tonne of bricks had hit me. being reminded of my dad was not an easy thing. yeah, he died a couple of years ago by some stupid drunk who wanted money for drugs, but my dad wouldn't give it to him. so the drunk pulled out a gun and took his life away. that happened when Dave was only one. the thing was that he looked exactly how Dave described him. blue eyes and exact same features as Dave. but how could he dream about him? he was only one at the time.

"what did you dream about? did he say any thing?" i asked, him not really wanting to know but i wanted to make him feel better.

"i think i saw him being shot with a gun by some bad guy. daddy was telling me to run away and he was all bloody" he said with the sobs raking through his tiny body. that was it. i couldn't take it any more. i broke down into sobs. that's exactly how he died.

by now we were both crying our eyes out, hugging each other, leaving tear stains on each others shirts.

"I'm so sorry Dave" i whispered after a while. i knew what he was feeling. i get the same types of nightmares some times. my nightmares are not only about him, but that's a totally different story.

"no I'm sorry Cassie" he sobbed, his whole body still shaking.

"its OK Dave. don't blame your self. its not your fault. come on were already late for school."i said. he nodded and silently left the room. poor guy. i feel so sorry for him. he's not even supposed to know that his dad is dead. i mean, he's only seven.

i put on my hoodie and sweatpants, then i slipped on my converse and left my room, bumping into Dave on the way. i gave him a small forced smile and he returned it, though it looked just as forced as mine probably did. i took his had and we walked downstairs. my mom wasn't there.i wasn't surprised. i saw Dave look around to see if she was home, then he sighed when he realized she wasn't. i made him his favourite nutella pancakes and we left the house. as i was locking the font door i saw Beth's car parked in the drive way. i walked toward it and she rolled the window down. 

"morning sleepy heads. i figured you'd be late so i stopped on the way to pick you up." she said grinning. i sighed in relief and climbed in. I'm so grateful to have Beth as a best friend.

Through the dark (Harry Styles fan-fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang