chapter 5

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FINALLY!!!  here's chappie 5 :D

Cassandra's P.O.V.

ok, this is wierd. i come home and my mom is sucking some guys face off? no, this is not normal.

"Cassie, please listen to me." mom said, looking guilty. 

"who is this?" i said, crossing my arms. i was aware that dave was hugging my leg.

"um-uh...he- cassie, i- um." she started stuttering.

"basically, were dating." the man said. ok someone wake me up now. my jaw fell to the ground.

"what do you mean your dating? you spend your whole life at work not giving a shit about your kids, then you go date some random guy? no no no this is just-" i said shaking my head. so now she would spend all the time she was off work with this guy? i didnt really care but dave needed a mother!

"excuse me, my name is robert. nice to meet you." the man spoke again, sticking his hand out for me to shake. i just stood there staring at it untill he lowered it again akwardly.

""would you mind explaining?"i said tapping my foot  the ground. this was not the way i expected the rest of the night to go. i could see she was starting to loose her patience.

"Cassie please. you have no say in if i date anyone or work or anything. i have decided to move on. now go to your room. oh, and put dave to bed, im busy." she said walking to the kitchen, with 'robert' trailing behind. i stared in disbeleif. did she just say what she said, or did i imagine that. did she say she was moving on? she had no right to be a mother. i looked at dave and he was silently crying again.i sighed and squatted to his height, picking him up. he was pretty light. i took him to his room and helped him get ready, while he was crying the whole time.

"please dave, dont cry. its ok, dont cry." i said hugging him.

"its not ok Cassie. mom doesnt care about us. and dont tell me she does because i wont beleive it anyways." he said, his body still shaking with sobs. i sighed and climbed into bed with him and stayed there till he fell asleep, and i quietly went to my room. all the lights were off so i guess mom went to sleep. i took a shower and remembered i did zero homework. i got my books out and started doing it. by the time i was done, it was past midnight and i was knackered.


i looked into his blood shot eyes. oh,no. he was drunk. my heart was beating so loud, i was sure he could hear it.

"please no, please dont ." i cried. he shook his head and smirked.

"no Cassandra. this is what you deserve." he shouted, pulling my hair. i screamed-

i woke up to someone shaking me. when i opened my eyes, mom was there looking worried.

"whats wrong? why were you screaming?" she asked. what? why was she here? since when does she wake me up when im having nightmares?

"why did you wake me up?" i asked, sitting up. i hate those type of nightmares. they are the worst of all.

"oh, i couldnt sleep because of your screaming." she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. oh, thats why. thats pretty normal then. ofcourse she wouldnt care.

"hey, im taking you and dave to school in the morning, ok. im not busy today." she said and left the room. huh- what? no, no. i still didnt wake up. im still in my nightmares for sure. she didnt just offer to take me and dave to school did she? ugh this was to much to absorb at 3 am.

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