chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.

 the bell finally rang and i could go for lunch. i was literally starving to death. i felt like i could eat a cow, even though this school sells the shittiest food on the planet. i have no choice though do i? any ways i was walking to my locker when this guy- i forgot what his name was- came up to me and asked me if i wanted to 'hang out after school'. well, i didnt want to be rude or some thing, and plus i needed some friends( even though the whole school is after me), but he just didnt seem like the type i wanted to be friends with. i agreed anyways and carried on walking. i dropped my books and headed to the lunch room ignoring all the girls standing around. they were seriously starting to creep me ut. everytime i look at them by mistake they all lick their lips in sinc or something. wierd. the only girl that is some what normal is Cassie. no, no, scratch that. she's not normal, but wierd in a better way than these freaks that think they're pretty. pppffft.

I walked into the lunch room and my eyes widened and i froze in my spot. what was up with these people? a bunch of about fifty girls (and guys, to my shock), were standing around Cassie and Bethany, doing god knows what. all i could hear was cheering. i quickly ran over to see what was going on. as i got closer i saw that jennifer was standng in the middle with Cassie and beth.

"what is going on?" i shouted over the loud noise. no one heard me. oh, well. i got closer and pushed through the bunch of peope till i got to the first line.what i saw made my jaw fall open.Cassie and beth were both covered from head to toe in the cafeteria smelly food, and jennifer was giggling. more like cackling. mental lunatic.

"HELLO! I SAID WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. jennifer jumped, Cassie's eyes widened, probably thinking what the hell i was doing, since she has this kind of obsession with telling me to stay away from her. the whole lunch room went quiet.

"anybody wants to explain?" i asked looking around and tapping my foot. everyone was frozen, waiting for some drama or something. i caught jennifer smirk. she walked up to me and started trailing her manicure nails up and down my arm.

"c'mon harry, lets go." she whined. was she serious?

"i aint going nowhere till someone tells me what this is all about." i said pushing her away and crossing my arms. she rolled her eye.

"she was getting on my nerves this morning so-"she started saying but i cut her off.

"so you decided to cover her and her best friend in food."i said, shocked.

"she deserves everything i do to her. she is a useless bitch." she said, huffing. i decided to throw it  directly in her face. 

"i only see one bitch here and thats you." i said. she shreiked, and multiple gasps were heard in the crowds.

"what did you say?" she said, she was starting to hyperventilate.

"you heard me, you cant go aroung bullying someone for no reason. i mean, c'mon you broke her rib a few days ago and your still doing it." i said, shaking my head. she scoffed.

"no reason? of course there is a reason."  she said.

"there isnt" i argued back.

 "there is"

"there isnt"

"there is"

"ok mabye there is, but its definitly not a reason to do this i mean look." i exclaimed, pointing to Cassie and her friend. they were both still standing silently and watching. jennifer rolloed her eyes and walked away. as soon as she disapeared, Cassie took off running. i dont know how she managed with those crutches but she did.

Through the dark (Harry Styles fan-fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon