Chapter seven

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Cassandra's P.O.V.

i woke up about two hour later, and remembered that Dave was still at school. i jumped out of bed and fell on the floor because of the sudden sharp pain in my side. i looked at my dresser where i left my pills and took two as the doctor subscribed. i was just about to leave when i noticed that my notebook was under the bed. i pulled it out and sighed in relief. it was still locked. but why was it there? I'm sure it was harry. oh my god he is so nosy. he was probably looking for the key. thank god i always keep the key on a necklace on my neck. i walked downstairs as fast as i could, almost falling on my face. you see, I'm a very clumsy person.

i was shocked to see Dave sitting in the kitchen having lunch, spaghetti i think.

"hey Dave how did u get home?" i asked, confused. i looked to the counter where a whole pot of spaghetti. i grabbed a plate and served myself, sitting next to Dave.

"oh, mom picked me up." he said, grinning. what? ok, I'm confused now. i still cant figure out why she's doing this, but i didn't want to ruin Dave's good mood so i smiled.

"ok where is she now?" i asked.

"um- think that guy that we saw last night came to pick her up." he said stuffing his face with food. i couldn't blame him. this was delicious and i couldn't even remember the last time i ate a home cooked meal.

"oh, did she say when she's coming back? and did she cook this?" i asked pointing to my plate. he nodded.

"yes, and i helped her. and she said she would be back before six pm." he said. oookaaay.... suddenly i remembered that Beth was supposed to call. i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw that i had three missed calls from her. oh shit. i put my empty plate in the sink, and walked to the living room, dialing her number. she answered on the second ring.

"oh my god Cassie are you ok? i called you three times." she said.

"don't worry Beth. I'm fine and I'm so sorry but as soon as i came from school i fell in bed and i just woke up a few minutes ago." i said

"oh, ok. so when can i come?" she asked. i smiled.

"as soon as you can. oh, and bring yourr pyjama's, you going to stay the night." i said.

"ok, whatever you say captain. bye now, ill be there in ten minutes." she said giggling.

"yeah ok. go and hurry." i said hanging up.

i walked to my room and looked around. i didnt even have any movies we could watch. i checked my watch. it was 3:22. i put my shoes on and grabbed my crutches. 

"come on Dave, were going to rent a movie." i said. he jumped of the chair and walked to me.

"is Beth coming over?" he asked. i smiled.

"yes, she is, and were going to watch a movie. if you want you could watch it with us." i said. he nodded. he looked so much happier than he did yesterday. we walked quickly and got there in under two minutes, since we lived just around the corner. i looked around. hmm now what did i want to watch? i walked thought he aisles, and spotted a movie i never watched before called scream 4. you see, I'm not the kind of girl that watches sappy girly movies. I'm more of a horror, action kind of lover. well i watched scream 1,2 and 3 so we could watch that, although it wouldn't be very suitable for Dave. i looked at him.

"hey Dave, did you find any movie you want to watch?" i asked him. he looked around and shook his head.

"no. can i choose one though?" he asked.

"of course you can. but hurry up, because Beth with be arriving anytime now." i said, letting go of his hand. he walked of to the kids section. he came back a minute later with a Pokemon movie in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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