Chapter 10

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"I suspect you haven't told your family have you?" Dr. Cullen asked me. I laid on the examination table, clothed once again as they had run some more tests on me.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin," I whisper.

We both sit there in silence, both of us just thinking. Dr. Cullen had taken it upon himself to also be my therapist through my situation. He wanted to be the one to help considering my sister is now engaged to his son. Most doctors would stay away from me due to conflict, but he decided to break that rule, and I couldn't be more grateful.

"May I give you some advice Elsa?"

I nod, "Please do."

"Don't stall too long, it effects them just as much as it effects you. They're the ones who are going to miss your presence. They're the ones who are going to mourn you. If nothing else, do it for them so they can comprehend it before the time comes. People are reckless when a tragedy such as this occurs in their lives. For their sake Elsa, tell them." He advises.

"You're right. I can't keep this a secret." I get up and gather my things preparing to leave.

Dr. Cullen puts his hand on my shoulder, "Don't you want to hear the test results?"

Tears flood my eyes already knowing it wasn't good news, "Okay," I whisper.

Carlisle gently turns me around to face him, "Elsa, the cancer has spread, there's very slim chance for recovery, even if you took treatment now. I think chemo would only cause you unnecessary suffering with the side effects,"

"So you honestly want me to give up?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Carlisle purses his lips, "No, I don't want you to give up, I'm just telling you what the facts are. It's your decision where you'd like to go and how much time you want to have."

I growl and run my fingers through my hair, which my sides greatly protested. My wince didn't go unnoticed by Carlisle. That stupid miracle doctor never let any

He bites his lips and shakes his head. "Elsa, get Charlie to sign that slip I gave you and we can start treatment right away, that might give you a few more months."

"Thanks Carlisle, I'll do that."

Carlisle pulls me into his arms. "I know you'll make the correct decision."


This was going to be the hardest decision I've ever made, but I couldn't let them walk blindly into a catastrophe. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to die, but they don't even realize that I'm sick, they have the right to know. Though, the drive back home was so short, I barely had any time to think of anything to say that could possible make the situation any better.

Carlisle gave me another slip to have Charlie sign, and I couldn't stop staring at it.

Chemo therapy.

No matter how many times Carlisle talked to me about this, I still couldn't comprehend that it was something I needed in order to survive. No matter how many times I take those pain pills every morning, I still cant get my head around the fact I'm going to be dead in less than a year. Maybe a year and three months if I take this treatment.

I park in the drive way and grab my things, popping a few more pain pills into my mouth to give me a little bit more of a buzz. It helps with stressful situations. The house today looked more lonely than ever. Charlie was here but he was sitting in front of his television and Bells was in the kitchen, as usual

Bella looked up at me from chopping onions and smiled, "Hey Elsa, how was school?"

I nod and lean against the counter, "Great, Paul made the Glee team today, and we're both going to be singing the lead in the competition in a few months."

Bells' smile dropped at the mention of my ex-boyfriend, "Is that gonna be okay for you?" she went immediately into protective big sister mode. I absolutely love her for that.

"I'm dealing with it," I nod. "Hey, can you leave this alone for a few minutes? I gotta talk to you and Charlie about something," my hands and voice were shaking so badly.

Bells nodded confused and followed me into the living room where Charlie was watching another game. Without saying a word, I grab the remote and turn off the TV.

"Hey El," Charlie started out a bit agitated, but the moment he saw my face he became concerned, "is everything okay?"

I shake my head and sit on the sofa just beside the entertainment center. Bells sits next to me and grabs my hand.

"Elsa what's wrong?"

A tear drop falls on my hand, I take a deep breath, knowing that I have to be able to do this right now otherwise I won't ever tell them. "Look, I never told you the real reason I came back home. I came back, to receive treatment from Carlisle Cullen," my throat was hurting so badly, I couldn't really finish what it was I wanted to say, a sob wretched from my chest.

Bella tried to hug me, but I pushed her arms away from me. "No, I need to get this out." I stand up and run my fingers through my hair. "Okay, when I got to Florida last year, I got really sick. The doctors weren't sure what was wrong, so they sent me to the hospital. There they discovered that-" another sob broke from my chest. "I had cancer. They sent me here to be treated by Carlisle, but in order to get treatment I had to have you sign this slip."

I pulled put the slip from my pocket and slid it over to Charlie on the coffee table. He picked it up with a shaky hand and wiped his eyes with his other hand. "I stalled for too long Daddy, Carlisle doesn't think I'm going to make it, but I'd like to do the treatment anyway-" Charlie had stood up and marched over to me and scooped me into his arms as we both broke down in tears. Bella came to us and we pulled her in as well. One big family hug.

Charlie and I have never really gotten along that well, he doesn't relate well with his children but he has always loved us. We've always known he loved us. Now I'm just wishing that I had done more things with him, gone fishing, gone hunting, maybe even watched a game with him once in a while. Because now we won't have much time to do much of anything together.

We're all going to have to make the best of the time that we have with each other.


Hello everybody it's me! I figured it was time that Elsa told her family the gravity of the situation, now all she has to do is tell Paul! How do you think he's gonna take it? Tell me what you guys think of this chapter! Please, I'm so bad at emotional chapters, but I'm kinda proud of this one.

Let me know guys!



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