Cheat Shot

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Dereks P.O.V.

Maybe i shouldnt be such a jerk to John, Layne cares about him even when he gets on his nerves all the time, i should respect that. But why cant I? Its just me i guess.

John and I have gotten along a little better, we have our times. But now John is teaching me a lesson on how to work hard, i never liked working, or breaking a sweat, but it doesnt bother John at all. We've spent half a day after Kaleb and Layne left to who knows where, then the gaurds took us to a feild and started to work our butts off.

It looked like a deserted feild at first, exspt the soil was soft under our feet, we had to wet the soil, then plant the seeds, the re-water it by filling up buckets of water, that John filled up by the creek near by, then i bored as evenly as i can, that almost took half of the first day.

Right now the gaurds had was letting us rest after wattering an even bigger feild, the two gairds watched us under a tree as me and John dug into our lunch, "Who get the apple this time?" John asked,

"Me" i said snatching it waway from his hands.

"But you got it last time" he complained, but he didnt try to grab at it.

I took a huge bite out of it as he ate his peice of bread "im surprised there letting us rest"


"Well, from what i learned in history, these people are cruel"

I shrug, as long asbwe were being fed two times aa day, that was all i really cared about now. "Maybe they like us"

"Were more like imagrents,"

I roll my eyes and bite another huge chunk out of the apple, "Lets hurry up and get back to work wmy back is already hurting"

John snorted wwhich mad me even more mad, "Oh, come on all you do is dump water, i have to scoop it out of the creek, and run back to you a million times, and i fined you almost every single time sitting on the ground waiting"

After he finished his bread and i threw my apple aside, then dusted my hands off and wwalked past the gaurds and off to the feild to pull weeds.

After John and I had finished pulling weeds, we were taken to a barn. It was an average barn nothing special about it, like something you'd see in a movie. Except for the gaurds that were here to make sure we didn't go anywhere

As we walked up to it, the gaurds gave us a little nkd and opened the doors for us, before going in, "Ladies first"

I wasnt expecting John to talk back after all the hard work we did, but he blurted out "Stop talking to your self" then he walked in,

"Oh well age before beauty," I say. Even though he's younger than me.

John didnt say anything back, but i followed him in as the barn doors cmosed behind me as they creaked under pressure

"I'm pooped," I say. "I could really use some food right about now.".
"Eat your shorts," john replied

"I have no shorts, its a skirt genios" i replie as i sat down on a hay stack.

John rolls his eyes "there called tunics, Mr. Know-it-all"

"Well how am I supposed to know that, I'm not from this time." "That's what school is for retard!"

"Stop talking about yourself" i reoeat back to him like he said to me earlier, "Besides, retard doesnt even cover how much of a punie little-" i stopped as john suddenly launched his whole body at me

As John and I fell back on the floor, he began to yell at hit. "Stupid bully!" He yelled as he threw anotjer punch

Since i still had my strength from that creepy guy, i stopped both of his fists "Is that all you got?" Wrong questing, before i know it, his leg went between my legs, a balls shot.

"No, but that was," john said as he walked away.

"You cheap shotted me!" I yelled.

"Can't yell at me for that when you use to pick on littler than you!" John said then stuck out his tongue at me.

"Shut up ugly!" I yell at John. "That was the old me, I don't don't it any more!"

"A leapored never changes its spots"

I roll my eyes "Get off my back" i mumble and start to crawl back to my feet,

"Im not on your back, fatty"

"I'm not fat, its called buff"

"Ripped" he corrected

"Yeah-wait, what?!"

He shakes his head chuckeling "I said crapped" He starts to sniff the air "The guy who gave you strength must of boosted you with his crap load"

"Dont say that's me when you're smelling your upper lip red head!"

"Its not red, its orange!"

"Fine, your a strawberry blonde"

He kicks hay with his feet also kicking up loose dirt which makes it dusty in front of my face, after my deathly sounding coughs, laying on his side looking at the barn door, i would run at him and pick him up to give him a wedgie or something, but... he looks sad. Wait why do i care?

"About...the girlfriend you never had?"

He chuckled "well..."

I lightly punch his shoulder, "Ah, I'm sorry man, whos the lucky girl" i think for a second "Is it Jane?"

"Wait, how di-" i roll my eyes and think, the hoe is so stupide "When did you start liking her?" I sit on the ground next to his head and lean back on my hands abit.

"Wait, how did you know!?" John asked.

"Cause everyone got a crush on her dude," I reply.

"Is she a... a hoe?"

"You mean a person who sleeps with a lot of people" john nods slowley, i could tell he was worried.

"Yeah, "

"EVEN LAYNE!" he suddenly jumps up,

"Well, i dont think he knows she is one, but i know Layne enough, he would never do that"

"Wait," John said. "How would you know? You and layne used to hate each other, well for all I know layne can be a man-" john paused.

"A man hoe?" I ask, finishing his sentence. "I dont think he is, I do hate him but... I kind of respect the dude" i grin, i knew i was getting somwhere with this strawberry blonde. Just act like you dont hate his friends or family, and give him what he wants.

"But isnt it nasty, you know me wanting her?"

I think of what to say next and just shrug and lean all the way on my back and close my eyes, "I liked a girl once when i was about your age dude, and... she is so hot and sexy, and she is a singer"

He looks at me, and rolls over on the hay stack onto his stomach "Which singer?"

I grin "Beansay"


I nod "Yeah, i had a magacine once i hide in the bathroom at school and i would-"

Thats when the worst thing happened, suddenly a pitch fork apeared out of knowhere from the top of the barn, i opened my eyes right when it sliched thrrough the flesh of my arm.

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