Raging Darkness

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"Shut up!" I yell, everyone was looking at me like they agreed with Alpha.

"What's wrong?" Alpha asked. "Don't tell me you didn't already realize this yourself?"

"I said shut up!" I call my sword out of my arm and rush forward at him. I set the sword with lighting surging through it, but half way through my charge my body paused.

"Wh-whats going?" I ask.

"Can't you see?" Alpha asked. "You have darkness in your heart, I can control darkness, and oh, how I love to control the lust for blood."

I try moving my hand, but all I could do was send my sword back to a tattoo on my arm, I felt my knees being forced to the ground, my back be can't forward as if bowing down. "No!" I scream.

"KALEB!" I hear Layne yell.

"Silence, mortal! If Kaleb wishes to be free of my grasp, he must learn to pull out his darkness." I could hear the smile on his lips, his voice was so powerful.

I tried thinking of happy thoughts, memories of my parents but that only made me want to cry. I had too much darkness, how could I let this happen?

Even though I was trying to think of happy thoughts in the back of my mind was the memory of me killing Berry, I did it without second guessing anything, that there was no other way, and to kill him was how to end it. Also the memory of killing Layne. Alpha was right, I had a lust for blood and right now it was his blood!

"Yes! Yes," Alpha said. "Feed on the darkness!"

"Alpha! Stop this!" Layne shouted.

"Kaleb, can you hear me?" It was Astrapes's voice. It sounded really quiet and I barley heard it.

"Yes." I answer.

I started to smile, at least I could still hear my friends if I'm being controlled by darkness.

Wait, I'm moving my knees!? I was gaining control.

"Guys, keep talking to me," I say.

"Ignore them, and follow the path of darkness," Alpha laughed. "Its waiting for you, oh how it could turn you onto a warrior!"

"No, Kaleb! Don't listen to him!" Layne yelled in his mind.

"Guys, I can't fight him!" I yell.

"The light will always leave you at the end of the day!" Alpha shouted. "But darkness will always be there, waiting for you."

"Remember that time when you kissed me?" Astrapes put a picture on my mind when we were the maze test and we kissed.

Then soon everyone who could talk into my mind, leaving Alpha out, started putting in memories of my past, they made me want to luagh, it was helping and I could feel my legs getting numb.

I start to get up, Alpha grunted amd made a fist with his hand, he started putting my fights in the arena in my head, the time I yelled at Layne. Blood filled my vision. But everytime he sent a bad one, my friends sent three more good ones.

I got this, I think to myself. I'm stronger than him!

"Why must you resist it, child?" Alpha asked.

"Because I'm not like you!" I yell and jump forward breaking free from Alphas magic.

I sent my sword down towards his head, but only to be stopped. Berry now stood in front of him and he grabbed my sword with his bare hand, blood rushed down my blade. His eyes were black and he still had the hole in his chest from when I killed him. He punched my straight in the nose sending me flying back a few feet and my sword back into my arm.

Layne rushed forward and helped me up, but now I had started a big fight. Astrapes ran ahead of me, I tried yelling up to her and stop her but she was already throwing out lightning bolts at Berry.

He lifts up his arm and blocks them with a metal plate suddenly forming on it. How he doesn't get fazed by the shock of lightning, I don't know.

I jumped up to my feet only to get tackled down by Emily. Her eyes were black, she tried punching me but I grabbed her soft hands and threw her into Berry's body. They collided together and joined on Alpha's side.

"Astrapes, get back!" Astrapes throws one more lightning bolt at Alpha but Venus throws a glass sheild in front of him and both dissenrgrate into into a million pieces.

"Stay back... Energizers." Alpha said mocking us. "Don't fight unless your blood thirsty like your friend Kaleb here."

"I'm not blood thirsty!" I yell.

"Oh, aren't you?" Alpha smirked. "Then why do you kill with no remorse? And why would you try to kill me just a minute ago. I can see the darkness inside you, Kaleb, and trust me when I say it will take hold of you, if not now then later, you can't run forever."

I clinch my fists by my sides. Questions then start to pop up in my head, both Emily and Berry stagger to their feet but don't pursue us. I can't fight them! Theyre being controlled, how are we going to do this?

"Why havnt you killed us already?!" I yell at him.

"I needed you to make our magic in the rings stronger, it's not magic really but it's an easier word to say than the real one."

"I-I don't get it."

Alpha smirks and takes out his sword from his sheath on his hip. "You see, these tests were only to make you use the power sources, and build up the so called magic, I couldn't have done it. Infinity was more powerful than me but he had darkness inside of him, so I controlled him to put his power into the rings, or do send them to your planet..." Alpha walked forward and Sigma raised his gun. I flinched a little. I had toy be ready for any sudden moves.

"... If we kill you," Alpha kept on going. "If we killed you with those rings, that power would have died, but the tests you went through made the power inside ten times more powerful, and now inside can simply just take them away..."

"What are you gonna do with this power!" Derek yelled. Layne followed after him.


"Easy, to take the power from Earth, then to make a new world. But without the power you posses. I can do nothing."

"A new world?" I ask.

Powers Controlled *Book 4* (Unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin