The Hunger Games

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The next morning I found myself its Jane wrapped in my arms, her head was on my shoulder. Laying on my back in the sand was not comfortable. I could feel rocks and sticks trying to poke through my back and butt.

Her soft breathing and laying in the sand reminded when I took Jane to the beach shortly after deafeting Infinity.

I hear Jane moan softly and she gets up on an elbow. She smiles at me, I do the same to her. "Morning." She whispered.

Before I could respond, the silence of every on was broken by a zombie looking Kaleb. His eyes were blood shot and he was dragging his feet.

"I still didn't find them," he said. He looked like he had done some kind of drug.

"You were looking for them all night?" I ask. We had already looked all day yesterday for our parents but no results, and Kaleb had stayed out all night to top it off looking for them.

"Where's John?" I ask. Johnny my brother has went with him.

"He's at the bottom of the sand dunes, got too tired." He answered and plopped in between two sleeping beauties, Astrapes and Glacier.

The sand hitting theor faces woke them both up, Glacier over did it and flipped off her stomach, and back landed on Derek's face.

"Hey what the?!" Derek yelled.

"Ugly swamp monster!" I yell pointing at Derek. But it was mainly to try and freak him out.

"What where?" He was quick to hit feet which made Glacier flip back to her face. I look down, Kaleb was already asleep. K.O.

With Jane leaning against me I stayed on the ground, taking the whole thing in. The Energizers were something else.

Derek then sat his butt down on the sand, figuring out I was kidding. He sighed deeply.

A few minutes later when everyone was awake, John came up the dunes and plopped down next to the almost-out fire.

"You alright dude?" I ask.

He looks over at me with blood shot eyes, nods, yawns and flops backwards.

"Aww," Jane sighed walking over to him. "Poor baby."

"Why don't you say that to me?!" I joke.

"Oh, shut up you," she giggled while brushing John's red hair back.

"That's one ugly baby," Derek laughed.

"Finally, something we can agree on," I chuckle.

"Aye!" Derek yelled.

"But I'll still burn your shirt off for making fun of him."

"Opposite of aye," Derek mumbled.

For affect I command my ring to set its hand ablaze. Pyra was still asleep in back of us, I just noticed she hasn't said anything for the past few days really.

I sigh and let it go out almost emmedietly when I set it ablaze. I turn around slowley. Her face looked so peaceful but sad at the same time. I moved her hair in back of her ear and smiled.

She's been through alot, I say to myself. Alot indeed.

I look back to Kaleb, he was tossing and turning. He must of been having a nightmare. But I want him to sleep, he hardly slept the first night here, and he was hallucinating all day yesterday.

"I wonder what's wrong with him," Astrapes said.

I turn to her. "If you killed people, real people, you would understand..."

She opens her mouth to say something else but closes it. Glacier looks between me and Kaleb, then at John and Jane. I caught her staring at John once in a while.

Jane had John's head in her lap as she hummed away tune quietly. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.

"What do you think is taking Alpha so long?" Derek brings up suddenly.

"Taking him so long?" Glacier asked.

"Yeah, to get here," Derek said. "I mean he didn't just bring us here for nothing."

"What did he bring us here for then?" Jane asked.

"A battle, I guess. I don't know I'm not in his mind, but I do know he wouldn't bring us here for nothing."

"So you're all of the sudden an expert on this stuff?" I ask.

"He's testing us." I hear Pyra's cracky voice in back of me.

Silence. I slowley turn to her. She was sitting up with her legs crossed, her hair falling down her shoulders. She was crying.

"He's just useing us as puppets. We're just a game, and now he's trying to starve us, seeing who will last."

"A hunger games." Derek says.

I look around as everyone who is awak, nods at Derek's comment.

"So what?" I say. "He's just waiting for us to go crazy?!" I yell.

Everyone just gave off a soft nod.

"Well that's stupid! Look around! Kalebs already crazy! He's haunted by the guilt in his heart, and what? He's just gonna let him suffer along with the rest of us?"

"Layne," Pyra said. Her eyes was filled with tears. She didn't have to say much more, I already knew what she was going to finish with... That the craziness was spreading to me too. I probably looked like a mad man yelling at everyone.

Jane sets John's head down on the sand softly so she doesn't wake him and walks over to me. She kneeled down and dirty took my face into her hands. "Look, Layne. We're gonna get through this, we're all gonna make it."

"What if Kaleb dies? What if Alpha has our parents and kills them? What if they win this war against us!"

"Stop talking crap, Layne." Astrapes spoke up.

"Quiet," said Jane, but never leaving her eyes off of mine. "Layne, just don't go crazy... try to-to think about the future. A future when we win."

"That's impossible..." Derek said, it was a whisper but in my ears it sounded like a canon.

He was right, though, we've been fighting the Alpha Team for a while now, and what have we accomplished? Nothing.

"I wish I would of never found this stupid ring."

Powers Controlled *Book 4* (Unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant