Can't Be A Runaway

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Alright, so, while reading over my last chapter, I realized I have a problem.  Well, I have more then one, but this one is important.  It happens a lot too, not just occasionally.  I've found that I can't write 'me'.  Every single time I try to write 'me' I end up writing 'my' and I don't even understand how that happens because they're not even on the same side of the keyboard.  It just makes absolutely no sense. What makes even less sense is it only happens for 'me' and no other word.  You'd think my 'y' problem would occur with other words too.   Apparently not.

Alright, I'm done my rant :)

2 Uploads in the span of 3 hours ! :O It's just because I love you ! ;)

Okay, I changed my mind,  I had this chapter all done up in my head, and I needed to write it out, so, now, I want at least ten votes and three comments on this chapter BEFORE I update again.  If I don't get that, then there won't be any updates until PROBABLY Wednesday, or Friday.  Actually, yeah, if no one comments or votes, then I'm not updating til friday ('cause I just found out friday's exam was cancelled) :D

Include the word: Penguin in your comment, so I know you read this. 

Picture is Ally (:




"I'll go sleep on the couch.  You can wear this to sleep unless..."  Luke trailed off, holding up another one of his shirts, this time a bright red button up.

"I have clothes in my car," I stated, smiling.  "I'll just go out to get them."  I stood from the bed he had deemed as his, and headed for the front door.  I didn't make it out the door of his bedroom before his arm shot out and snatched mine and the familiar tingles shot up my arm.

"I'll get your stuff from your car tomorrow.  Going out this late at night is dangerous, especially since Michael might be hanging around.  Besides, we might as well keep it all packed up seeing as we're leaving for the pack house tomorrow.  It's not safe here anymore."

"What do you mean 'we'?" I asked , raising one eyebrow.  I didn't care particularly about the fact that his hand sent tingles through my body, or that his kisses sent me into a lust driven haze, or even that I had turned into a freaking wolf and was currently hearing a voice in my head claiming to be said wolf.  All I knew is that I wanted to continue my trip around the world and photograph all of my trips.  I couldn't find any reason as to why I still couldn't do this as a werewolf, it just increased my safety.  If anyone tried to rape me, I'd just go all wolf on their ass.

"We're going to the pack house.  This is just my house when I want to get away from it all.  The pack house is where my beta and his, uh, girlfriend live, and my aunt and uncle.  Ryan and Jake live there too, they haven't found their... Um, never mind, they're just single."  He looked so happy when he spoke of the house, it almost made me smile.  Almost.  I don't know who he thinks he is, expecting me to go with him.  I came, I saved his life, yes, I changed into a wolf, which is kind of monumental, but I wasn't about to throw away my photography for some guy.   I wasn't going to make the same mistake that my Mom did.

"I'm not going anywhere," I said, stomping into his conjoined bathroom.  I stripped off the white t-shirt, and buttoned up the red one over myself.  Still no undergarments.  This was a little bit too free, especially for me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Luke asked, leaning on the door frame.  I didn't miss the way his eyes did a thorough scan over my body before he spoke, or the way his exhalations were slow, deliberate and shaky. 

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