A troubeling New York night.

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Peter pov

I swing from building and feel the soft breese through my suit. Even though It's late, the streets of New York are still full of live. I love this city, even after all the people in It put me through, I still love It. At night, they see me as a hero that stands up for the little guy, during the day, I'm the littlest guy you can imagine. Seriously people forget I excist. Suddenly I hear shots in the distant and a lot of police sirens. The sweet sounds of New York. I swing towards were the shots are coming from and to my suprise (not) the shots are coming from a bank.

'Four gunman, three hostages. Take precaution.'

It's really usefull to have superhearing so you can listen to police radio's. I swing to the roof of a building across from the bank and survey the seen below me. Police cars are surroundig the bank and swat cars are already waiting. I can also see ambulances and... body bags. There are already two body bags. Two people I was to late for. Two people I couldn't save. I shake my head and focuss on the situation at hand. I can hit myself in the head with a brick later.

Three hostages, three lives I can still save. Focuss Peter. The bank has one door and I can't go in through there. The cops don't really like me, I know, I'm such a like able person. The cops just don't like it when you do there job better than them. I spot an open window on the left side of the building and immediately swing towards it. I hear some screams beneath me but nobody shoots at me. That's a new one. Maybe they're to lazy or maybe they know they need my help.

'Thanks for not trying to kill me!'

I scream down before I land on the side of the buildig and crawl towards the window. I land as soft as a fether inside the room. It's dark, but I have good eyes. I slowely walk towards the door and listen. I can hear people talking below me. Five men. That's not that bad. I survived Captain America after al. I crawl down the elavator shaft and stop just above the opening.

'I expected that the swat teams would have made a move by now.'

'You're right, It's to quiet. They're definatly up to something.'

I smile. Criminals are soooo stupid. I decide to make my grand entrance. I swing in the room.

'Well hello there gentle men. Don't you know It's bad manners to keep up the line. You're mothers are gonna be sooo disapointed.'

'Shit, It's the spider kid.'

They start shooting at me but I dodge al the bullets. I really hate It when people call me kid. Sure I am a kid, but that doesn't mean they should call me that. For al they know I could be twenty, right? Back to the point.

I kick two of the guys in the face and hit another guy so hard he flies into the wall. Then suddenly I hear a woman scream. One of the two guys left is pointing his gun at one of the hostages and seems ready to shoot. Suddenly I see uncle Ben and I jump in front of the hostage and take the bullet in the leg. I web the gun out of the guys hand and web him to the wall. The last guy Is so nice to drop his gun and voluntairly lets me web him to the wall. See, manners, It's not that hard. Suddenly the adreneline drops and I can feel the stinging pain in my leg. I quickly leave the same way I came. Aunt May is at the hospital, so I should be able to clean the wound without her interfering. Wait, I can't clean a bullet wound! What the heck am I thinking? This is gonna suck.

Tony pov

I'm just watching the news when Rhody comes in and watches it with me.

Spidermand saved the live of three hostages just minutes ago and caught the five criminals that where holding the people. One of the hostages did say spiderman got shot. We can only hope he will be alright.

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