The call

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Tony pov

I watch as the docters hook Peter up to a heart monitor. He looks paler than I've ever seen him. The moment we got here the doctors knew he was one of the hundreds of kids that got sick. His nose isn't bleeding anymore, but his fever is rising fast.

'What will happen now?'

May asks the docter with a shaking voice.

'We'll keep an eye on him. I'm sorry miss Parker, but there's not much more we can do. We still don't know what's going on with the kids, but I can assure you we will do everything in our power to make your nephew better.'

May just nods and looks back to Peter. The docters and nurses are finally done so we can go in the room. Rhody is downstairs making sure nobody finds out that the awsome Tony Stark is in the building. May's order. If she tells you to do something, you listen. She can almost be as scary as a certain redhead I know. 

'Hey sweetie. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?'

'No aunt May, I'm fine. You're the one looking a little pale.'

Serious, why does this kid always say that he's fine when he's so obviously not. May doesn't see it, but I do. Peters eyes are glassy and there's a layer of sweat on his forehead. He's sick. Really sick. May smiles at him and tries not to look at the hartmonitor or the infuse. While the docters were with him I looked up the news about the kid that died. Her name was Kendra and she was seventeen years old. She was one of the first to get sick. They don't exacly know why she died yet, but she was completly sedated the last two days of her live because she was in constant pain. I don't want Peter to be in pain. I might be an asshole, but I care about him, a little. 

I leave May with Peter and go to find Rhody. He's sitting in the waiting room, but he's also anxious. 

'Is he okay?'

I shake my head and sit down beside him. I don't know what to do. I'm not a docter. I know machines, not biology. Thank god Rhody is silent for a while. He knows me well.

'What are you going to do?'

'I don't know. I can pay the best docters in the world to come here and try to find a cure, but that might not be fast enough. Besides, if I do that Ross will know about Peter.'

'What about his blood? I'm sure the docters took some.'

'They did. Turns out Spider-Man saved the docters kid though, so I conviced him to keep his mouth shut. I'll make sure nobody finds out about him.'

'You know, there are some people who could help with this.'


'Tony, this isn't a normal virus. We both know that. Only teenagers are getting sick and it's not a normal sickness.'

'Then we'll find out who did this and beat the crap out of him.'

'You know we can't do that alone. Besides, do you really want to leave May alone right now?'

'No, but I'm not calling him, he...'

Suddenly we hear a scream from Peters room and we immediately run towards it. Peter is coughing. He's coughing up blood. I can see the docters and nurses doing stuff, but my eyes are glued on Peters face. He's clearly in pain and a tear rolls down his cheek. May is trying to calm him and after a minute he isn't coughing anymore, but he still has a pained look on his face.

'Miss Parker, perhaps you should go. Peter needs to rest. You can come back here tomorrow.'

'But I want to stay with him!'

'May, he's right. Maybe we schould just...'

'No! I can't leave him. Not when he needs me. When he was little I would always stay home when he was sick.'

'You can't do anything. Let me bring you home. I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll stay here the whole day.'

She frowns at me.

'Do you have time to spend the whole day in the hospital. You are the great Tony Stark.'

I smile and kiss her on her forehead. 

'For you and Peter I'll make time. Come on, you're tired.'

Rhody tells me to take a cab and he'll come back tomorrow to.

'Sleep well May.'

'Sleep well Tony. Thank you.'

I can't help but feel proud. I rock. But then my mind goes back to Peter. I need to fix him. Yes I know, he's not a machine, but I still need to fix him.

'Sir, would you like a cup of coffee when you get home?' 

Friday asks nicely. 

'No, I'll just take some whisky.'

When I'm home I get that stupid phone out off the vault. I hate that phone. It mokes me everytime I look at it. But, after about six glasses of whisky, I start thinking. I do need help. I know this isn't a normal sickness. Someone made hundreds of teenagers sick. I can't find out who it is alone. I need help. I need "cough" Steve "cough" and "cough" the others "cough". After a while I finally pick up the phone. It rings three times before I hear that stupid voice from the other side. 


'I need your help.' 

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