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Tony pov

I can't believe I agreed to this. Because this disease works fast, we're moving Peter to the appartment tonight. I managed to convince May to move Peter, but I'll only do it if he agrees to. He still hasn't woken up, but the docters sedated him pretty heavy. Steve is waiting with me in his room. I think they're all suprised on how young Peter is. He didn't really had any trouble beating the crap out of them. They'll probably get along though. Suddenly Peter moves and I see his eyes open a little.

'Peter? Are you okay?'

He sighs.

'Please tell me that's not a serious quistion.'

I smile. He never changes. Not even when he's clearly in pain.

'Why is Captain America here?'

He asks without even looking in that direction. Man, his senses freak me out sometimes.

'Well, I decided to ask him and the others to help me fix this problem.'

He frowns at me.

'Are you sick to?'

Steve chuckles and I glare at him.

'No, but someone did this to you and thousends of other kids and I can't find out who without them.'

Dam, I hate to admid that. Peter frowns again. He's about to say something when he starts couching up blood again. His body starts shaking and Steve helps me to keep him down, but it's hard. Even for mister supersoldier. When he stops he looks pained.

'Peter. Docter Banner needs a kid to do some test on. May we use you?'

Peter nods weakly and closes his eyes again.

Steve pov

It's weird, I just felt how strong the kid is, but now he looks weak again. And young. Way to young to be involved in something like this.

'He's tired. He probably won't wake up untill we get to the tower. You'll be staying there from now on.'

I look up at Tony. He's trying not to show me how much he cares, but he's failing. He cares a lot for this kid and I'm going to help him.

The others are outside and the ones that stayed behind already moved to the tower. Bruce already prepared a room so he can start on Peter right away. It's weird to use him like a labrat, but he seems okay with it.

We wait untill it's night. Clint is waiting in a black SUV downstaires so he can leave the moment we get Peter in there. Rhody is at the entrance on the lookout for problems and Tony is suposed to be the diversion and me, Natascha and Wanda will move Peter to the garage. I have to say, not a bad plan.

'How do we look?'

I turn around and smile. Natascha and Wanda are waring nurses clothes. Wanda looks very uncomfortable and Natascha looks like she does this every day.

'You ready?'

They nod and go into Peters room. Without being noticed they roll his bed out of the room. He's still asleep, luckily.

'You know, he's a cute kid.'

Natascha says. Wanda nods in agreement and whipes a stroke of hair out of the boys face. What has gotten into them?

'Guys, we have a problem.'

Rhody says. Wanda whines.

'Already? What is it?'

'Ross. Ross jut walked in the hospital.'

'I'm on it. Just get Peter out of here.'

'Are we trusting Tony with this?'

Wanda ask.

'We have to. Lets go.'

Natascha pushes the bed with Wanda beside it. I walk behind them to the elevators. Please let this work.

Tony pov

I put on my most charming smile.

'Ross, great to see you here. What can I do for you?'

He looks at me with that grumpy face of his.

'You can tell me were the kid is.'

'I dont have kids. That I no of at least.'

'I meen the spiderkid. I know he must be here.'

'Now why would you think that?'

'He hasn't been seen for over a week and you've spend a lot of time here ever since. I figured he's one of the sick kids. Were is he Tony?'

I look at him and keep my mouth shut.

'Very well. Search the hospital and make sure Stark doesnt leave his place.'

He says to the agents behind him. He and five of his agents leave while one stays with me. I can see Rhody around the corner.

'Guys, Ross is searching the hospital. You have to move quicker.'

I can hear him say.

'Do you have any idea how hard it is to move this bed? We can't run because then people will notice us.'

Shit. This is gonna be hard.

Steve pov

'We have to take the staires.'

Natascha states. I frown.

'How are we going to do that? Do you think I can carry him all the way down?'

'You don't have to, I can levitate him down.'

Wanda says while I see a little red light around her hands. We keep walking untill we get to the door to the staires. Its dark and silent on the other side. Wanda moves her hands and Peter starts flowing in the air with a red light around him. Strangly, his blanket wraps around him. I frown at Wanda. She just shrugs.

'He's already sick. I dont want him to get cold to.'

'Lets just go.'

Natascha says while walking down the staires. Wanda follows slower while trying to keep Peter in the air and I follow behind.

'Clint, we're coming down. Be ready to leave.'

'Got it.'

I hear him say through the comm. When we finally get to the bottom staires Wanda trips and Peter almost falls to the ground but I manage to catch him just in time.

'Sorry. Do you want me to carry him again?'

'No, I've got him. He, suprisingly light.'

I say while laying him on my shoulder. I'ts probably not very comfortable, but he's asleep anyway. We walk into the garage and immediatly a black van stops in front of us. Nat steps in front with Clint and me and Wanda get in the back with Peter. I take a deep breath when we leave the garage. We made it.

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