Into action

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Authors note: So...I'm still alive. It's been a while, and I'm sorry. Uni, living on my own and working is taking up a lot of my time and I haven't had the focuss to finish or write much. With every new mcu move I feel like the characters in this story become more ooc. It doesn't bother me that much, since this has been fiction from the beginning, but I don't know how everyone else feels. I can't promise you I will update soon again, but I do promise that this story is not abandoned. To the people who asks for updates and leave positive comments, thank you. You are the reason I'm still writing. I hope someone will still be reading this.

Natasha pov

Finally some actual action. It was about dam(not for the mortals) time. We decided that Bruce and Wanda would stay back with May and Peter since they seem to be the least threatening to May. Also Wanda seems to have grown quite attatched to Peter, which is a problem for later.

'Are we going in blind or do we actually have a plan?'

Sam asks. He's itching for a good fight.  Honestly I feel the need to kill the first person I find in that factory.

'We need information most of all. Futur has stopped sending drinks to schools, so they either know someone is on to them or their plan already succeeded. We need to know why this happened. I don't think this is just about poisoning and killing kids. There is something else going on, something we're not seeing.'

'Okay, so we find where they keep their information and take as much as possible.' Scott says.

He almost makes it sound simple. How I wish it was like that. We have absolutely no idea what's waiting for us inside. We're going in blind. Under normal circumstances I would never do this. But we don't have time. Peter...I mean kids are dying. We can't let that happen.

'Alright if this is the place there might be guards. Natasha, Clint and Sam, you guys take care of that. Scott and me will go look for offices or a lab where we can find information. We shouldn't stay to long, so as soon as we have what we came for we retreat. Clear?'

Sam loads his gun.

'Everythings clear cap, let's go do this thing.'

We get out of the van and slowely make our way towards the building. It's silent. Camera's everywhere. To many for a normal factory. To high tech. There are two guards next to the main entrance but we easily take them out.

'Nat, Clint, look at this.'

Sam holds up one of the guns from the guards. Easily recognisable. It's one of the new government issue weapons. Especially for heavy targets. That gun definitely doesn't belong at a factory making drinks for highschool kids.

'Take it with you. Quick.'

When Clint kicks open the door I expect more guards with more weapons. What I didn't expect was silence. There was no one in the big hall. It was only filled with crates. Scott walks towards one and carefully  opens it.

'It's filled with futur. But labeled: "failed". Maybe a wrong batch?'

'Or a non sick making one.'

Clint says bitter. On the left there's one other door. Thats it. That's the entire building. There has to be something there. Or I might just put those guards at the entrance down more permanently.

Cap and Scott flank the door while me and Sam are ready to shoot the first person that comes through from the other side. Clint kicks the door open and leads us through the door.

It's a lab, but not the kind that we were expecting.

'Is this, what I think it is?

Steve frowns at Scotts words.

'Are you guys seeing something I'm not?'

'We can talk about that later. Look for everything that seems usefull.'

Clint says while already looking. Not that it matters, they obviously abandoned this place for a reason. They must have known someone was coming. And looking at the lab, it's not hard to see how.

'This looks like....DNA? Could these files be tests example's? What happends to the DNA of the kids when the get sick?'

Sam asks while holding up some papers. I take them and look them over.

'I'm not sure. These look a little weird. Let's take them with us. Anyone else find something?'

The guys shake their heads. All we find is more of the same papers. They look like DNA sheets, but I can just tell that something is wrong with them.

'Scott? Find something on the computers?'

'They've completely been wiped, except for more of those DNA things. Which seems really weird.'

'Why's that?' Steve asks while joining Scott at the computer. We all gather arround him.

'It just seems weird that people who are clearly capable of wiping everything would leave something behind. It almost seems like...'

'They did it on purpose.'

Clint doesn't say it loudly, he doesn't have to. The implications of what we found here are clear. Steve straightens up and grabs a box with papers.

'Download what you can. We go back, regroup and discuss what we found. You guys clearly think there's more to this, but it's better talk somewhere more secure.'

We quickly load the van up and leave the factory behind. The guards will be picked up by some agents and questioned at a secure location.

The ride back to the safe house is silent. Everyone deep in thought about what we found. The safe house itself is silent as well. Wanda comes out of Peter's room when she hears us come in.

'How is he?' Scott asks immediately.

'Alive. He can't keep any food in, and he's in and out of conciousness. He's trying to hang in there. Did you find anything?'

'Yes, can you get Bruce?' Steve asks her.

When everyone is gathered in the living room, I decide to take the lead in explaining.

'The factory was abandoned. There were only two guards. There was a lab, but it was empty and all the computers were wiped. The only thing usefull were these papers.'

I hand a box to Bruce and he starts lokking through it.

'There's something else. Something I think most of us noticed. The lab.. it was like the guns we found on the guards.'

Steve turns his head so fast he must've gotten whiplash.


I sigh and cross my arms.

'The lab was full of special government issued equipment. Which means whatever this is, wasn't created by a secret organisation. But by the government itself.'

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