Going back

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Steve pov

There all here. Sam, Wanda, T'Challa, Natasha, Scott and Clint. I called them as soon as I got the call from Tony. Nat even found Bruce a few days ago. 

'So he finally called? Guess you owe me twenty bucks Nat.' 

Nat glares at Clint while I just shake my head.

'Yes, he called. He needs our help. He said if we help him he'll help us.' 

'It could just be a trap. Ross might have forced him to call you.'

'One, I don't think Ross could force Tony to do anything. Two, I looked into it. Watch this.'

I turn on the big tv and a woman shows up in front of a hospital.

'Just an hour ago the sick number of kids reached three thousend. Unfortunately we just got word that a second teen has died. Doctors state they are still far from a cure. All schools in and around New York have been closed even though the sickness can't be spread through air. Docters say that if you have a teenager you need to keep him or her inside untill a cure is found and as soon as your teen starts getting sick you have to get to the hospital. Government officials have stated...'

I turn of the tv and turn to the others. They all look deep in thought. 

'So Tony needs our help with this? Only one of us is a doctor cap.'

Scott states. The others nod and look at Bruce, who shifts slightly.

'I know. Tony said that this isn't just a normal virus. Only kids between 14 and 19 are getting sick and it isn't airborne.'

'That means something or someone made them sick.'

I nod at Wanda. She looks very uncomfortable. Of course she still a teen herself. Bruce nods.

'I'm willing to help. If what I just heard is true a lot of teenagers are going to die if we do nothing.' 

'I'm in too.'

'I was getting bored anyway so yeah. I'm not missing the change to shoot someone.'

Sam and Clint are in to.

'I would love to help my friend, but I have a country to rule.'

'I know your highness. It's no problem.'

'I'm in, but I hope Stark keeps his worth.'

Scott says. He's right, but I have fait in Tony. Only Wanda and Nat still look doubtfull. 

'Could I get sick.'

'No. Not likely. You'll be fine Wanda.'

'Then I'll come with you.'

All our glazes shift towards Nat.

'I don't trust Stark. He's hiding something. There's a reason he wants our help.'

'Nat, you were the one that said to have a little fait.'

She sighs but nods.

'Fine. How are we going to do this? We can't just go to New York. We would be arrested.'

'Rhody is going to help with that. It's better if were not seen with Tony so Rhody is going to help us around. We leave with one of your private plains if you allow us to your highness.'

'Of course captain. Anything to help.'

I can't help but smile. They all agree. I honestly didn't expect this. The next morning everyone is ready to leave. T'Challa says there's always a place for us in Wakanda and he promises me he'll look after Bucky. I hate to leave him, but he is in good hands here.

'Let me guess, your trying to find out why Stark is asking us for help.'

Nat looks at Scott and raises a brow.

'Don't tell me your not even a little bit curious. There has to be a reason.'

'Tasch, maybe you shouldn't do that. Let's just take this one as a win and leave Tonys reason out of it.'

'I'm a spy this is kinda what I do.'

I just ignore her. Of course, I'd like to know what Tonys really up to, but I'm trying to have fait. Maybe Tony is just finally caring about someone else... Nah, that can't be it. I sigh and sit back. It's going to be a long flight.

An- Sorry, this one is quite short. I promise I'll make a long one later.

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