Ross and May

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Authors note: I realise that my spelling in earlier chapters isn't that good, but I don't really wanna go back to change everything, so I'll do it if I have time. Enjoy.

3rd person pov

'Mister Stark, Captain Rhodes, I would advice you both to come clean.'

'Oh I'm clean. You clean Rhodes?'

'Clean as a white sheet. You clean Ross?'

The level of redness Ross reached some would consider unhuman. Tony and Rhodey would consider it a friday. They share a look. They have to get out of here. They have to help the others find a cure and get May to Peter.

'A name Tony! One name! Tell me who Spiderman is. Is he worth all this trouble.'

'Why do you care Ross. Children are dying. Isn't that where your priorities should be?'

Ross looks even agrier, who knew that was possible.

'I decide where my priorities are and not...'

Suddenly his phone rings and then...he's gone. Tony and Rhodey sit in total silence for a minute.

'This feels like a trap.'

'Don't be a pessimist Rhodes. We should take our leave now.'

Rhodes thinks for a moment more and then nods. They carefully walk out of the room and make sure they're outside of the building before they start talking.

'Call Happy and make him take May to Peter. Give Cap and the others a heads up about her.'

'You're not going?'

'No, and neither can you. Ross suspects us to much now. We have to keep on the low. We'll do our own research and contact the team when we need to. Did you hear about the lead? Yeah they're investigating the Futur company. Let's hope they find something.'


'Okay Bruce, how soon can you analyse the drink?'

Steve asks when they're all gathered in the living room while Wanda is keeping a sleeping Peter company.

'I can start soon. Though I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I know it's the only thing connecting all the kids, but if they really put a virus in the drinks...'

Natasha puts a hand on his shoulder.

'We have to try and see. It's our only lead.'

Clint steps foreward.

'There's something else. I looked into the company, and it didn't exist at all untill 16 months ago. And it started at the top. Drinks going to schools after only two months. I have a feeling someone with real power is at work here to get the drinks into the schools. However when I looked up the CEO she was clean.'

Steve frowns.

'So we suspect a big someone is behind this. Could you find out more about the history?'

'I'll try my best, but when...'

Suddenly the elevator door opens and Happy comes in walking slowly. Before anyone can say anything he puts his hands up.

'She's coming right up behind me so we don't have much time. Just stay out of the way, she will hit you, and tell me where Peter is. And whoever is with him needs to leave.'

For a short second no one moved, to suprised with what Happy just said. Natasha got her head back first.

'Wanda come here! He's in the second room on the right.'

Happy nods. Just as Wanda steps out of the room the elevator opens again and a middle-aged women with brown hair comes out looking ready to kill.

'May he's in the second door to the right.'

Happy quickly says. The women spares them all one glance before she quickly goes to the room.

'Who the hell is that?'

Sam asks. Scared and impressed.

'May Parker. Peters aunt. She's a though woman and she kinda didn't agree to this a 100% and she doesn't know the kid is Spider-man...She might not like you guys a lot at the moment. Definitely not. I have business, I'll pick her up later. Nice to see you guys.'

And...he's gone. Leaving the hero's with a lot of questions and a very angry aunt.

'She's his only family right? She must have been so worried. Should we check on her?

Wanda asks not taking her eyes of the hallway.

'Yeah, though it's probably best if it's Bruce. A docter is more logical than a soldier or assasin.'

Bruce sighs and slowely makes his way over to the room. He knocks twice, but hears nothing from inside. He decides to walk in anyway.

The woman, May, is gently holding Peters hand. He's awake, but seems pretty weak. He notices Bruce before his aunt.

'Doctor Banner.'

His aunt turns his head so quick Bruce almost jumps in suprise.

'Hello miss Parker. I'm Bruce Banner. I...'

'I know who you are doctor Banner.'

She shakes her head and sighs.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I know you and the others have been helping.'

Bruce simply smiles and walks towards the bed.

'It's fine. These are stressful times. You're nephew has been a great patient.'

May smirks and looks at Peter.

'I don't believe that for a second. He always denied it when he was sick. When he was little I had to force him to stay in bed.'

'I wasn't that bad.'

May laughs softly and relaxes a bit more. Then she looks up to Bruce.

'I should thank you. You must have been working hard on finding a cure.'

'We have and we found out much thanks to Peter.'

Peter smiles weakly at him. He's grown paler since this morning. He had breakfast, but couldn't keep anything in. He's growing worse.

Back in the living room a plan was being formed.

'I've found the factory where the drink is manufactored. There might be some clues there.'

Natasha says putting the image up on the screens. Steve nods.

'The death number is close to a hundred now. We have no time to lose. Lets get into action.'

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