Wattpad Original

Original Edition: Six| *BONUS* Who's the Douchiest Douchebro of them all?

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Sunday May 1st 

Sunday May 1st 

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**Author's Note**

Soooooooo????!!! :) What did you guys think of this little private/behind the scenes glimpse into the Sisters?

As the Sisters are so far apart for most of the book, I wanted to slip in their social media exchanges as a 'unifier', to show how these girls can keep so connected with so much happening around them/distancing them.

I'm not going to tell you how much time went into put this all together but I think I managed to come pretty damn close to what I'd envisioned.

I hope you guys liked it and would certainly welcome any thoughts if you feel there's areas for improvement or other variations you'd like to see in future updates (Instagram, Youtube--Tinder--LOL ?)

And for those of you who have long distance friendships - how do you guys best keep in touch? How do you find the challenges of maintaining the relationship/connection? Do you guys talk as often as your local friends or is it varied? Who visits who?

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