Wattpad Original

Original Edition: Six | Weathering the Storm

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I've never been strong. Not many of us are. Not inherently. It's a skill we have to learn. To hone, practice and carefully nurture, day in and day out. Like a garden that will run feral if left untended for too long.

Strength takes time, patience and years of trial and error. It can be found in the smallest act. The most finite moment where you are challenged to withstand something you never thought you could before.

Life isn't always easy, sometimes it's a hurricane.

Some days feel impossible with waves that pummel and punish you into submission, but a change of perspective, however small, can make all the difference to how you react, handle and cope with the storm until you find yourself once again basking in the sun.

If you're not happy, change what is in your power to change, ladies. No more settling for anything less than you deserve. Let go of the negative and make room for the positive.

Otherwise it'll drag you down like an anchor.

Why let yourselves willing drown when you can be the storm?

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