Wattpad Original

Original Edition: Six | The Act of Self Creation

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It may surprise you how many of us feel truly alone in this world. Alone and unhappy.


How many of us get sucked into living the kind of lives we never intended or wanted, but somehow were pulled into the current of the mainstream and sucked under before we had a chance to hold our breaths.

That could've been my fate. Probably should've been. Who am I to challenge the status quo? To dare and hope for more? Is that feeling of want a mark of arrogance? Selfishness. Maybe.

But why shouldn't we be selfish with our own lives? We have but one to live--so why shouldn't it be exactly as we've always wanted it to be?

Everyone has an opinion. Everyone is going to talk about and judge you, regardless of what you decide to so, so might as well do what makes you happy.

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