Chapter 7

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Hello my sexy french fries!!! how are you???...anyways someone messaged me names for the people i could your for the school part of the book and i love them.

picture of Keaton Stromberg as Troy on the side>>>>>>

i am obiously making my best friend in the story my real bestfriend but still...




Carter's POV.

i walked downstairs to find Harry and the rest of the boys sitting in the kitchen, i went and sat besides Niall.

"good morning, Carter" Liam said

"Morning" i replied

"so Carter hw was it yesterday..? i mean like to have the house all by yourself for a while" Harry asked

"it was good, i watched The Titanic and ordered pizza, the pizza was really cute and i got his number, we are going to get coffee, tomorrow" i said

"whats his name? how old is he? what school does he go to?" harry rushed me with questions. god

"name, Conner, age, 17, school, well idk but he goes to a high school around here, so yea." i said

"that reminds me, Harry, when am i going to start school?" i asked

"whenever you want, i guess" he answered

"oh, well then i want to start tomorrow, if thats ok," i said

"ye, its fine, i will go down to the school in a bit and get you signed up" he said

" kay thanks" i said. walked over to the fridge and crabbed some food. i don't even know what i grabbed, but i grabbes something. i walked into the living room and ploped down on the couch. and turned on the telly. nothing good was on beside friends, i love watching friends. my favorite episode it one of the Thanks Giving ones where Joey gets his head stuck in the turkey..haha stupid Joey.

 i was in the middle of episode five when i felt my phone buzz.

From Connerx: Hey! whats up?

To Connerx: hey! nothing really, you?

From Connerx: same!, want to hang out, up for that coffee now?;)

To Connerx: yea sure, what time?

From Connerx: 15? sound good yea?

To Conner: yea sure! see you then

after i finished texting Conner i went ot the kitchen to tell Harry where i was going.

"hey, Harry?"

"yea?" he said

" Conner is going to be here in 15 to come get me and we are going to hang out kay?"i said

"yea, sure but make sure ou are back by around 3 because Simon wants to meet you" Harry said

"Simon?, as in Simon Cowell?" i asked shocked because well, i am goig to meet Simon Cowell!!! yay

"yes, Simon as in Simon Cowell,"Harry said laughing

"whatever, i'll be back by like, 2:30 kay?" i said, i walked up the stairs and into my room, and to my closet. i picked out some skinny jeans, a white tank top and a jacket and zipped it up half way and put on some converse and headed down the stairs. i got a text from Conner saying he was down the street, i jut told him to stay there, and i will meet him half way. i found his car and hoped in the passenger seat.

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