Chapter 14 (finally)

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hello guys! im back! finally its been like 5000 years since i last updated and i kinda feel bad about that. i was gonna have my friend Haley write some chapters but idk that might be later on but right now i am just gonna give you a short chapter to tide you over until i have more time to write longer ones.

i started working on my writing so it might be a little bit better and i am not going to be lazy and i am actually going to edit my work before i post it so i don’t have a lost of spelling and grammar errors because i know you guys don’t like it and it probably gets annoying.

so enjoy!


Jesse's POV

after i followed Carter home to make sure she got there safe,( yea call me a creeper or whatever but she's really pretty and i like her ok? don't judge) i walked back to my place. i live by myself because i hated living with my parents, they annoyed me all of the time and said that if i live under their roof i had to follow their rules and i aint about that life so i moved out.

i walked into the small apartment building i was living in, and went to mine. i walked in and looked around the emtpy flat. it was so dull and boring, it needed some color, or at least a few pictures on the walls, there so bare.

 i sighed and set my bag on the couch and made a beeline for the kitchen, with one thing on my mind, food. i opened the fridge , yea thats bare too, and looked inside. i saw a half drank pepsi, leftover pizza, and some milk that probably expired like a month ago. i really need to go to the store, but its so far away and im to lazy. if only the store delivered, that would be an amazing idea, why the hell don’t they do that?

 i grabbed two slices of leftover pizza and popped them into the microwave, staring at it intensly waiting to stop it right before it went off and made that loud and incredibly annoying beeping sound.

i stopped it just in time, grabbed the pizza and sat on the couch, turning on some netflix, and trying to find a good movie to watch. i eventually settled on The Lucky One, yea yea whatever i watch cheesy romantic movies, its a guilty pleasure, shut up.

as i was watching it i started to think about Carter and how nice it would be to have love like that with her. not that i love her now, well maybe, i don't know yet. but i do know that i like her. i don't know what it is about her but something just draws me to her.

maybe she's a witch she probably put a spell on me or something like a love posion of some shit, idk . maybe i should try and talk to her tomorrow, i mean i know where she goes to school, and lives so i guess well see.

hopefully she'll want to talk.


again i am just leaving you guys with this short chapter maybe it will be enough till i start writing longer and better chapters.

and again sorry for the long wait!

thanks for being patient<3

bye my sexy french fries!

oh! and thank you guys so much for 12+k reads! this book doesn't deserve it but thank you guys so much!<3

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