Chapter 13

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Carters POV

i was walking to the ice cream shop like 10 minutes away from my house when i felt like i was being watched again. i turned around and didn't see anyone. just shrugged it off and walked in to the small ice cream shop. when i walked in the door made a little ding!

i walked up to the ounter and ordered and small cotten candy ice cream, and paid. i went over to one of the small booths and waited for my ice cream to be ready.

i was playing on my phone when i felt that spmeone is watching me again. i looked up and again i saw no-one.

when my ice cream was ready i walked out of the shop and decided to just walk around a bit. i saw some kids playing with a football up ahead.

i walked over to a bench and sat down and watched the kids play, does that make me sound like a creeper? yea it does.

after the kids were done playing i got up and started to walk back home. i wonder when the boys are gnna do some actually famous people stuff again. that reminds me what is gonna happen when they go on tour? am i gonna stay here, or go with them?. i have never even left this country before, god.

i was walking my this scary looking ally when i felt someone was watching me again. before i could even turn around and look i felt someone grab me from behind and put their hand over my mouth so i could not scream.

ahhh i am to young to die! i want to live, i am only 15. i need to live for when i turn 16! i want to have a boyfriend, get married! i want to have kids!, i want to be a grandma! lord please let me live!

i started to kick the person who was dragging me into the ally to kill me. i bit down on his hand and he let go, yay im free!

i turned around and saw that it was the guy who was following me, Haley, and Hayden, what the actual fuck?

"ow, what was that for?" he said

"you were trying to kidnap me!" i yelled at him

"i was not gonna kidnapp you, gosh" he said

"t-then what do you want?" i asked

"to say hi" he said and put on a bright smile.

"this is your way of saying hi?" i asked him

"yea, sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you" he apologized

"oookk, so what do why do you want to say hi, and what was with that drawing i found after you left?"

"oh, well i am an artist, and i saw you guys walking so i followed you, and well drew you" he said

"so you were stalking us so you could draw us?" i asked

"yep" he said popping the 'p'.

"ookk, can i go now?" i asked, because he was kinda bloking the way.

"yea, and by the way when you were struggling to get away from me i grabbed your phone in put my number in it, here" he said and handed my my phone

"what!?, you can't just take peoples phones and put your number in it, you atleast ask for it" i told him

"if i asked you, you would have said no" he said

"how do you know that?" i said

"can i put my number in your phone?" he asked

"no" i said

"told you" he sent me a wink and walked away. well than. i looked at his contact to see his name is Jesse, hmmm.



i walked home, and up to my room the boys were out of the house so i had some peace and quiet i was really tierd so i decided to take a nap. i soon fell asleep with pictures of that Jesse guy in my head....


this is short cuz i am in school and i don't really care!

i am having complete writters bolck!!!

i don't know what to do:(


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