Chapter 8

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hello my sexy french fries!!! soo... i am in skool right now and let me just say f*ck skool, stupidest shit in the world, like wtf?!?!

anyways...skool suks

wait what?

idk ....CAPSLOCK AGAIN AGAIN.........YAY!!!!!




 Carter's POV

i woke up by the sound of my stupid alarm clock, i grabbed it and threw it against the wall and it shut up. i climed out of bed and went to my closet, and grabbed some skinny jeans, plain white t-shirt, and a purple jacket. i walked over to my bathroom and turned the shower on. when i felt it was hot enough i stepped in.

after i took a shower i dried my hair and straightened it. i put on some basic make up. like eyeliner and mascara. i have naturally tan skin so i don't need all that other stuff. after i finished that i went down stairs to get something to eat. i saw Harry and Louis sitting there drinking tea.

"good morning, guys" i said

"morning Carter" the said at the same time

"so, who is driving me to school?" i asked

"its like a five minute walk from here you will be fine" Harry said

"ok, well i am goig to go" i said grabbing an apple

"be carefull!" Louis yelled after me. i waved him off and stepped outside. this is it i am going to school. i can't wait. i hope people will like me, but not to much, because i don't like that much attention, i am fine with like, two or three friend. i fnally got to the school, and found my way to the office. i got my scedual and went to find my locker. 

i put my stuff in my locker and headed to my first hour which was maths. Great. I am actually really good at maths but i still don't like the class. i walked in, i was a little late because i had to stop at the when i walked in everyone's attention was on me 

"Ah, you must be, Carter Styles, ur new student, yea?" the teacher asked

"umm yea, hi" i said

"well, i am Mr. Johnson, you can take a seat in the back next to Troy." he said. i looked back and saw a boy with brown hair, and blue eyes  waving at me. i walked over there. and took the seat next to him.

"Hey, i am Troy" he said

"yea, i kinda figured" i said with a chuckle.

"so, your new here?" he asked

"yea" i said. i turned and payed attention to the teacher.

"can i see your sceduel?" Troy asked

"yea, sure" i said handing him my scedule. he looked at it for a minute and then smiled.

"you have, Chemistry, Lititure, Art, Music, and PE with me, and my friend Haley, she is really nice and you wil love her." he said

"great" i said. the bell rung and me and Troy, got our stuff and headed to Chemistry. i saw some girl ahead waving at Troy. i guess she was Haley? Troy and I caught up with her and Troy hugged her.

"Haley, this is Carter, she is new and is in most of our classes" Troy said

"Hello, i'm Haley" she said waving at me.

"Hey" i said.. we all walked into the classroom and Haley and Troy took their seats. when the bell rung. theteacher interduced me. an i got to pick where i sat, i of course sat by Haley and Troy.

the rest of the day was the same, the teachers interduced me and i got to sit by Haley and Troy and we talked and laughed all day. it was great.

"I'll see you guys later" i said to Haley and Troy

"wait! Carter" i heard Troy said

"yea?" i asked

do you want to go, to the movies with me and Haley on friday, then maybe the arcade?" he asked

"yea, sure" i handed him my phone and told him and Haley to put thier numbers in it, when they daid, i left and started walking home.


hey guys! i know this chapter is short i just wanted to let you know how she got started at school bla bla bla....

next chapter, will be friday at school, and then when they go to the movie and arcade kay? kay





NO....????? OK!!!!!


Adopted by Harry StylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang