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A.N!!- FYI I AM THE LITERAL SHITTIEST ROMANCE BULLSHIT WRITER SO PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL BE TRASH. So feel free to spam my PM with your suggestions or hate messages. Thanks peeps- Rin

-------3rd person p.o.v-------------

Humans have existed for as long as their petty race can remember, and there are those who have dwelled among them, claiming to be one of them. But in fact they are not, they are not what they seem to be. But is anything truly what it is? Or is life just some maniacal scheme? A scheme in which the so called 'Gods and Goddesses' watch from above. Judging like a peanut gallery, they manipulate and twist, braiding your fate into another's, just to rip you out again, the desperate tangle leaving you both wounded and weak. They seize that opportunity to show you your true fate, when you are so far gone that nothing matters. They toy with us, and once bored, they dispose of us. To them we are pawns, simple pieces on a chess board to move around to their advantage. But every so often, they would mingle into the human race, and so a half breed was born. They did not belong to humans or the 'Others'. They were their own being, they were unique and beautiful, but they were alone. Over time the half breed race died off, leaving the 'Others' to play with the humans again. As time evolved and nations split, a select few of these 'Others' made gifts for the humans. A simple stain on their skin. A stain that would tick, a stain that would tock. A stain that told them their time, whether for death or re-birth in meeting their soul mate, was up to them. The pigmentation read 'Years' 'Hours' and 'Seconds'. Why these three pieces of time were included is not information that the humans posses, but they posses choice. The choice to Love, or Death. But, in the creation of this spell of ink and majik, the superior 'Others' caught these few rouge 'Others' in the act, twisting the plot to thier gain. If the person did choose Death instead of Love, their soul mate would die as well. So now the humans would have to face guilt, and remorse if they chose Death. These rebel 'Others' were cast down permanently to earth, retaining half of their majik. They were called 'The Muses' their power quickly spread among the people, each new birth having a clock. They eventually breeded into human society as well, their lineage taking majikal traits, ranging from elemental control to cat tails and ears. The 'Muse' gene passed through the lineage, the 5 'Muses' eventually dying off or disappearing, they did not know. The 'Muse' gene still exists today,  although rare, the half breeds tend to be able to sense eachother. These half breeds tend to have a certian instinct,  consider it a 7th sence if you will. ((Their 6th is the whole 'sencing eachother')) They feel danger before it happens. It takes over their bodies, as if it were happening to them in that very moment, although the danger could be minutes or days away. They can also sence this for their soul mate. The catch is, its only if their life is being endangered. ((THERE'S A WORD FOR IT AND I CAN'T)) Each time they use this 7th sence, they acquire another stain, taking the shape of whatever it pleases. Think of it like a scar. Knowing that they or their soul mate was close to death, and yet survived. ((A big FU to the 'others')) The scars screaming 'I'm not finished yet!' Or 'You can't dispose of me'. Their place on skin is a badge, a badge of courage, of bravery, of freedom. The wings of freedom.

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