Sixth Nightmare

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Let me tell you something kiddos, living in a hotel for 2 days is fine. But for 2 FUCKING MONTHS that's a different story. I want to die. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Sorry I haven't been around much, let alone updating. So I'll make this one longer to compensate!!

*-*-* Eren's P.O.V *-*-*

He had crashed his lips into mine, he had told me his name. A hot blush plastered itself on my features, my hands fumbling with each other. He turned on his heel and walked swiftly out of the room, leaving me to ponder and contemplate the current situation between us. I sat down on the piano bench, running my hands along the soft crimson velvet. I focused on controlling my breathing, which proved to be harder than I thought it'd be. Each time I thought I had calmed down, my mind replayed the kiss and I became flustered all over again. I repeated his name to myself, it rolled off my tounge so easily, there was no harshness to his name at all. It flowed so easily, I could almost see myself repeating his name in a heat of ecstasy. He let down one of his walls that he had so firmly set, he let me in. Tears started to fall from my eyes, landing on the piano keys with soft plips. Happiness overwhelmed me, consuming every inch of my skin in a satisfying tingle. My fingers gripped my sleeves and wiped the keys, my legs soon finding the strength to finally stand. I made my way throughout the halls of the house, finding myself in the kitchen. I opened the cupboards and found myself bread, butter, and Nutella. Throwing it all into a sandwich, I set it on my plate, pondering for a moment and making another. I walked down to the basement, noticing Sil-Levi sitting on his bed. He seemed rather spaced out, he didn't even notice when I closed the door with small slam. I set on my bed quietly, setting the plate on the small shelf that raised Levi's bed. His head snapped upwards,  his gaze focusing in an undeniable sneer towards the sandwich.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" He hissed, gesturing violently towards the plate adorned with the fat saturated carbohydrate.

I took a wild guess, assuming he was asking what it was or why I was here. So I answered the first. "Its hagelslag," I responded timidly, averting my gaze from his. "I used to eat it when I was little, its a comfort food." He looked confused and a bit disturbed, reluctantly picking up one of the triangles of the sandwich.  He bit into it wearily, his normal featured which were void of emotions filled with a mixture of shock and satisfaction. He quickly returned to his bleak expression, setting the half eaten triangle down into the plate.

"Merci." He hummed, pulling his plate towards himself and going at the sandwich once more. I tried to hide the smile on my lips, gingerly taking a bite of my own sandwich. We sat in silence, our gazes occasionally meeting, both of us quickly looking away. The atmosphere was thick with an awkward and deafening quiet, only the small squeak of a matress here and there.

( (im out of ideas for this fic besides yaoi. Comment what you want. For now im putting this on hold. ) ) )

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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Instinct (Eren x Depressed!Rivalle/Levi) ((Ereri/Riren)) ( ( (on hold? ) ) ) Where stories live. Discover now