First awakening

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Hiyo! It's Rin, so that's some quality art up there ^^^. But uhm, yeah I guess I hope you enjoy? By the way, the song doesn't really 'happen' in the chapter, but it's still a good song. So listen to it if you'd like.

~~Eren's POV~~

Sunlight streamed through the slanted blinds, beckoning me to wake up. It kissed my eyelids, warming my face entirely. I sat up lazily, a long, dull yawn escaping my chapped lips. My head lolled to the side, a satisfying crack sounding through the still room. Kicking the duvet off of me, the chill of winter struck my bones, sending a deep shiver through my spine. I stood, uncertain if my legs could support me, which they didn't. I stumbled face first into my bathroom door, a low and harsh groan accompanied the little 'incident'. I managed to fling the door and hoist myself up with the counter top, my weight leaning against it heavily. I faced myself in the mirror, not ready for the day, or week, ahead of me.

"Helyo, my name ish Eren. I come from Germany," The broken English reverberated off the tile walls, a hand slapping to my head in dissapointment. "Ich werde sterben." I flicked at my hair, brown and messy as usual. Upon exiting the bathroom, I took notice of my stain. The 'Years' had long since reached zero. Only Hours and Seconds remaning. I mentally cursed myself for not noticing it sooner. I was going to meet my soul mate in America. The anticipation built in my chest as I scrambled around my room, digging through empty drawers and closets. Everything had been packed. Everything but one single pair of pants and a shirt. I once again scolded myself and took another look at the stain, a soft sigh releasing once I saw it again. '0 years 143 hours 54 seconds'. To me, meeting your soul mate was quite embarrassing, knowing myself I was doomed to screw it over in some way. I shrugged on the shirt, thanking it to be long sleeved, also yanking on the pants in a combined effort of jumping and belt loops breaking.

I pulled on the handle of my luggage, taking it through the halls of my small apartment. A smile crept to my lips as I locked the door for the final time, treading lightly towards the main office, upon depositing my key, I left the complex for the last time. The cab I called for waited patiently outside the complex, I confirmed my name and ride and sat down in the car, pulling my luggage in next to me.

*time skip because I've never been on a plane before and don't know what it's like ;-; *

The 10 hour flight screwed me over. I left Germany at 11:45am. In Seattle, it was noon. It should have been 9pm. A drowsy yawn escaped my lips, I knew I shouldn't have slept on the flight. I excited the terminal and went through the proper checkout procedures. A smile found its way to my face as I walked outside. Rain. Sheets and swells of it. I checked my wallet, just to be sure idiot me didn't forget to exchange into the US dollar. I hailed a cab, handing the driver a small slip of paper with the address of my new home, which was apparently on the quiet outskirts of the city. I was also told that I would have 3 roommates, not including myself. Which I was fine with, not complaining or anything.

The driver soon reached the house, which was rather large in my opinion. 2 stories, an attic, and a basement, which I was to share with someone. I paid the driver and uttered a thank you, pulling my suitcase from the car. The grass resembled a marsh, and I only hoped that one day I could sit in it. Approaching the door, I began to feel my nerves, butterflies in my stomach if you will. I pressed the doorbell lightly, a high pitched ring sounding through the house. A small blonde appeared moments later, a quizzical look in his stunning blue eyes.

"Uh, hi ich bin Eren, ich werde hier leben?" I mustered, the blonde looking completly dumbfounded, I realized that I had not spoken in English. A sigh broke the silence, my words soon following. "Helyo, my name ish Eren, I am  starting to live here?" The blonde doubled over, a squeaky wheeze escaping his lungs.

"Hello Eren, I've been expecting you. My name is Armin, Armin Arlert," He stood again, opening the door fully and ushering me in. "Please, come sit. I'll make some food yeah?" I walked in, completly self conscious. I removed my shoes and set them near the door, leaving my luggage on a 'welcome' rug. The wood floor creaked as I walked to one of two couches, sitting on the edge of the cushion. Armin had returned with tea and what seemed to be some sort of ravioli? But with no red sauce anywhere near it. He handed me the plate and I looked up to him, thankful yet confused. I picked one up, a small pouch like thing, was not pasta, but crust. My confusion grew, but hunger overcame me. I popped one in my mouth, almost crying because it was so delicious. I later learned that these majik pouches were called 'Pizza Pockets'. My mouth watered as I ate the rest. I thanked Armin for the meal and we talked. We talked for what seemed like days, but really it was only an hour or two. He was very kind.

Armin insisted that I get some rest, showing me the way to the basement. He handed me a key, a diamond shape at top, skeleton key. There was a small leather cord attached, so I fixated the cord around my neck. I was expecting cold and cement, but that was not it. The room glowed in colors I couldn't even name. From the navy walls to the pristine white carpet, it was all so homely. I hugged Armin before he could leave, thanking him repeatedly. I let out a happy sigh, plopping onto the twin bed. Clutching the duvet in my hands, it all started to seem like a dream. I crawled into the bed, turning off the lights with clapping my hands twice. America was great, who needed light switches? I smiled, looking to the navy walls as I drifted into a dream filled sleep.

AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH GUYS I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELFFFFF. Jk I'm a piece of shit. But anyway I was imagining the basement like this? But with the proper color scheme.

 But anyway I was imagining the basement like this? But with the proper color scheme

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But yeah otherwise, I hope you enjoyed. Thanks.

Instinct (Eren x Depressed!Rivalle/Levi) ((Ereri/Riren)) ( ( (on hold? ) ) ) Where stories live. Discover now