Third Guest

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Hiyo again! I've had a bit of, ahem, writers block. So enjoy another Shitty ass chapter written at 3 am. But yeah. I hope you enjoy?Oh! And by the way, this is 'Brat' Levi's dog. Yeah. It's a whippet. Smol and speedy. Just like his owner.

*-*-*-*Levi's P.O.V.*-*-*-*

The day had finally come. My luggage was in the process of being loaded and my dog, well, he was drugged and asleep. A silent groan escaped my lips as I walked into the correct terminal, finding my way to the boarding procedure. Handing my ticket to the flight attendant, a small flutter of regret panged in my stomach. Ignoring it, I found my seat and pulled out my headphones, ever so thankful that 'carry-ons' were allowed. My mind drifted into a realm of its own, my body remaining on the disgusting planet that it was made upon.

*Time skip because again I don't know planes? Heheh ehheh sorry?*

The plane landed with a harsh screech, to what I could only assume was the breaks, and their desperate attempts to stop Newton's Law. It was raining, okay no. That's a understatement. It was fucking pouring. Stress yanked a growl from my throat as I hailed a cab, cursing a string of French that would make a sailor vomit rainbows and shit jellybeans. Thankful for a cab to finally pull over and acknowledge my fucking existence, I collapsed into the torn seat, tossing my bag next to me. I read off the address to the driver, the car starting with a violent shudder. Streaks of rain raced themselves down the dirty window, which I tried to ignore. My boxes and dog were to be delivered later tonight around 9. Considering it was only 7, I had time to kill. 'What to do?' I thought to myself. We arrived soon enough to the house, paying the driver without another word and walking onto the sidewalk. Said house, didn't seem like a home, or at least not one that I could live in. I shook my head and looked to the sky, dusk tainting it a wicked purple, blues fading to blacks like bruises after a fight, any sign of light being snuffed out by the impending darkness that visited each night. A tear slid down my cheek, the salty liquid trailing it's way into my mouth. I had finally made it, but to what avail? They were gone, we had promised. I slung my bag over my shoulder in a jerky movement, shoes slapping against the wet cement. I ran. I ran to escape the darkness that was closing over me too quickly, I ran from our dream, I ran from myself.

Levi's flashback.

The flash of a camera went off in the distance, chatter swarming my ears. A high pitched laugh caught my attention. Isabel. Next to her stood Farlan, looking regal and bashful at the same time. It was a hard look, but he managed it. Isabel was as bubbly as ever, the warmth of her personality spreading far and wide. They were happy, and I was too. I was happy that they would be together, I was happy that I was alive to see them together. Her once white dress was torn and tattered, but together she and Farlan were a masterpiece. I stood at the edge of the crowd, taking a final look at them before turning to leave. My legs carried me to my car, starting the engine with a silent purr. Screams erupted from the crowd, but they weren't joyful. They were pained and silenced quickly. I tore open my glove box, taking a small handgun from it, racing back to the wedding. My hands trembled with anticipation, loading the gun as I went. Crimson leaked into pools, bodies of those I knew littered the fresh spring grass. Smoke trailed from a car, a car that had crashed into the gazebo. A body once whole, was split on half resting on the hood of the car, the other pinned on the bumper. Farlan. Bile rose in my throat as I scanned the field anxiously, my stride faltering at the sight before me. Isabel, translucent tears of joy had been tainted crimson by the gash on her forehead, the weapon that I could only assume did that damage to her, was being held at her neck, tightly. So tightly that it had spurred it's own small trail of the deathly color. I raised the weapon, pointing to the hooded figure standing over her.

"Get away from her," I hissed, anger taking over my fear, it boiled in my veins, controlling me entirely. But nothing could prepare me for what was to happen next. A sickening slice and crack ensued my once furious words. Her body sagged to the ground, arm still outstretched in a desperate attempt of escaping. An attempt that I had made futile. She had trusted me, she thought I was going to save her. I emptied the chamber, the figure falling to the tainted ground, fury took over my body again, racing me to their dying body. I pulled back the hood, fist raised to strike, but shock took me once more. Kenny. The one who had raised me, had betrayed me. "Y-you!" My fists did the work for me, pummeling the already bleeding wounds.

"I told you, you c-can never be h-happy for long." He said between coughs, coughs filled with blood. A smirk plastered on his lips, he released his last breath, mocking me just so. Screaming started again, but with no one around to make such a sound, I could only assume they were my own.

End flashback

Sharp pain stirred me from the panicked state I was in, my vision focousing on what was in front of me. The sound of rushing water ebbed into my ears, making the world seems even more melancholy than it already was. It had been long since dark, an occasional star peeping it's face through the clouds. I stumbled slightly, but nothing was there to catch me. Wind rushed upwards as I fell down, a bridge was above me, which I could only assume what I had fallen from. It didn't feel like I was falling, but the rippling wind assured me that I was. My hair whipping into my eyes in a searing pain, I was still able to see one thing. 'Zero'

SHIT I REALLY WANNA LEAVE THIS ON A CLIFFHANGER BUT LIKE, MY BETTER JUDGEMENT TELLS ME NOT TO? fine, I'll compromise, I'll give you two more paragraphs. That's it.

*-*-*-*Eren's P.O.V.*-*-*-*

Today was the day. Today of all days, was the day that I was to meet my long awaited soulmate. Sheets of rain poured from the sky as I watched rain trail down the window, tracing their paths with a nail that was far too long. A sigh broke the silence that surrounded me, followed by the cracking of nitrogen bubbles in my joints as I stood. In all of the twenty years of my existance, never had I felt so exhausted. My brain begged for me to move, to go somewhere, and I had no choice but to follow it's commands. I waved a goodbye to Armin and Mikasa as my legs lead me to the door, closing it gently as I exited.  Rain clouded my vision, causing me to loose my way. A creek came into view, a gentle smile on my lips. I walked towards it, shivering slightly at the rain that streamed through my hair. I traveled forward, finding a seat at the edge of the frozen bank.

Watching the water run under the ice was peaceful, it actually managed to calm me, which I was grateful for. The wind whistled in my ears, rustling my hair. The comforting darkness of night consumed the sky, a warm smile on the moon's face. I felt like I could actually be happy. And then, he fell.

Okay I'm doing a huge shout out to Dressed_In_Darkness thier stories are so fucking AMAZING! Oh my gods, ive just started reading their fic called 'Metamorphosis' and it has got to be on ny top 3 list of stories on this app. So please, give them some love and vote and follow them! Thanks loves!

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