Fifth Dream

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Hiyo again! I'm still a piece of shit, new year, same me. Okay so, I was really stuck on this chapter, as in quicksand mixed with concrete, stuck. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment or PM me. I'm open to either! Thanks, enjoy the chapter thing. Sorry for updating so slowly, but I literally had no WiFi or data or service for about 3 days? I had no power for almost a full 24 hours. In the town where I reside, this is a shit ton of snow. It was about 13". I'll put a note of when to start the song.

*-*-*-* Eren *-*-*-*

Two days had flown by like seconds, equally exhausting and confusing me. I had helped Silber unpack, which wasn't as hard as I assumed it would be. For some reason he felt the need to claim the upper bed, although I had already been situated on the lower. Silber never paused for a moment to remind me to take off my shoes before coming onto the carpet, or to do my laundry quickly and efficiently. He had a list of cleaning chores to do everyday, which he entailed half of to me. I'm not complaining, or at least I don't think I am, but it's alot of cleaning. Today he's tasked himself with cleaning the entire house while Armin and Mikasa are with their friends.

So far, on more than one occasion, Silber had yelled for 'gosse' which I assumed was me, considering he refused to call me by my proper name. So each time I would stop what I was doing to go look for him and see if he needed anything. But each time it was simply his dog stealing his sponge or wash rag. It's getting quite irritating. I was lounged on the daybed, gazing out the window from the first floor looking at the frozen, dead grass. It reminded me of him. Deteriorating, withering, slowly decaying. The frozen dew drops perching upon the sunken blades of grass reminded me of tears, her tears. Soon my own tears streamed down my face without my permission, creating a salty crease along my lips.

Start song

Low notes filled the air with a heavy emotion, mixing with my own made its weight crushing. Standing from my place, I followed the sound wearily, with each step the sounds grew louder, flooding my ears with thier melodious and melancholy tune. I tread carefully, not to disturb or distort the song, peering into the doorway of a dark, musty room. Dust seemed to cover every surface, but with each note, as each key was touched, the dust started to rise. Silber sat at the bench, seeming in a trance like state. His usual dull and clouded eyes, were clear. They shone like a full moon in the dead of winter, the stars surrounding threatening to snuff out the precious moonlight, but for the first time, I saw the moonlight say no. For once his lifeless expression held feeling and emotion. That feeling was, loneliness. A feeling I knew all too well. His fingers trailed effortlessly onto each note, continuing with the next without a second thought. With a small flurry of melodious groans from the piano, the song was finished.

I yanked my sleeves down harshly, pulling them to my face and ridding it of any evidence of my weakness. My voice refused to come as I walked to his side. Carefully I placed a hand on his shoulder, his head snapping up to look at me in a frenzy, his breathing was ragged like my own, eyes tinged red, tears just starting to well at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill and never stop. Mutterings of apologies spilled from my lips, echoing throughout the dark room. Sunlight peaked it's way through the blackout curtains, just a crack, but it was enough to light us. I pulled my hand away and stood there, battling myself in wether I should stay I go. He raised a shake finger to my lips, silencing me in a moment. I wanted to question him, to befriend him, to understand him.

"You should leave." He muttered, taking his gaze away from mine. Silence hung in the air uncomfortably.

"Why." That was all I could ask, he was in so much pain, and keeping it from everyone, I couldn't just leave home like this, could I? No, I couldn't, I was stubborn. I'm just a brat in his eyes. Then a brat I shall be.

"Do I need to explain myself kid? Because I already have and I don't feel like doing it again."

"It doesn't matter to me if I get hurt, I am strong, I want to help." Words flooded from my mouth, only to be stopped by my own hands clamping over my mouth.

"Listen to me, I don't care how strong you think you might be, but I am far to large of a burden, so just leave me be."

"I can't do that Silber, we are soulmates, I want to help you, please don't push me away," I begged, sinking to me knees upon the carpet. "Ich möchte nicht zu verlieren sie wie ich verloren haben."

"It's for your own good. And I don't fucking understand German idiot." He hissed, standing ubruptly and pulling me to my feet, rather harshly at that. My sobs were hushed by his lips upon mine, confusion raked my brain. The kiss was salted with our tears, and as soon as it had started, he pulled away, clutching the collar of my shirt. His next words shook me to my core. "My name is Levi."

Instinct (Eren x Depressed!Rivalle/Levi) ((Ereri/Riren)) ( ( (on hold? ) ) ) Where stories live. Discover now