
24 1 0

Ok so you know those fucking people who are in your life and you wish that they were dead?? Yeah well I have fucking 3 of those people, and on fucking monday it was one. But thanks to fucking two people that cant fucking keep there God dame fucking hands off of other people's shit. Like come on now you've got to be fucking kidding me. It's not you so fucking stop. Also, I dont know if I already said this ut you fucking knew I was going to sit there so why the fuck would you touch my fucking Phone and move it over so you could sit in my fucking spot that I was going to sit in.

Like for real. So yeah I am going to touch your fucking dirty laptop to move it over so I can sit in my fucking spot. Got a problem?? I dont think so, so shut your fucking mouth and stop fucking talking about me cause I may be half deaf but I can still fucking hear your annoying ass voice.  Also, why dont you just be a mature fucking 10th grader and just move to wear I put your laptop??

Oh wait that's right your used to getting your fucking way. So you thought that I was jsut going to let it fucking slide. But wait a fucking second, you were so fucking what's the word..... WRONG!!! Bitch you were wrong and I you need to learn that I am not going to let you get your fucking way because you're a fucking year older them me.

Or your family makes more money then my. Or you think that just cause you "beautiful" or becuase your "popular" or cause or "Skinnier" doesn't mean fucking shit I may be over weight but that's not my fucking fault.  Maybe if you weren't such a bitch all the time you would know that I have fucking cancer and that is why I have all this fat on me. But wait you wouldn't know cause you're such a fucking bitch, that you dont even give two poops about what other people think or how they fucking feel. 

You are just a fucking ungrateful little bitch that I swear to God if I kill you I wont even give a fuck after I go to jail. That is also one reason why I think you're friends with the other to is cause they're the same fucking way they don't care about other people and they think they know everything. You guys are a bunch of ungrateful shits you know that right?? Well I hope you fucking do. That's also why you can't even keep a boyfrind. You had to go and cheat with someone elses boyfriend for three or fucking something months, then just throw hell to the wind and fucking "Have Sex" with him.

Bitch ugh..... I'm done yo udotn even care about it anyways. your probley laughing right now about how much I want to kill you so.......

Fucking by.

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