What in the fuck do people that know your parents kinda. Think that all of a sudden they fucking think they know you. First off bitch you don't know shit about me. You just know my mum or my dad and maybe my brother. Second of all you don't have to answer a fucking question about me. Did she ask you?? No, so shut the fuck up. And how would you know if I was born  in the U.K and grew up there till I was 4 or 5 how would you know?? You didn’t go to my elementary school with me. You did know me till I was 11  that was what 6 or 7 years after I learned to talk like and usa citizen. Even to this day tho I still once in a while have my British side of me and my voice come through. Like when I say Mum I never once said Mom. Who even say’s mom like come on now that’s wired. That was the first part of my rant.

Now the 2nd part.... You know how over christmas you have tho’s people in your family who want this, and when they don't get it they have to get mad and throw a huge fit about it?? And they you also have tho’s people who are just stupid and cant see that what they are doing is dumb?? Well Welcome to my family where on my mum’s side we have my Aunt “Bear” More like Becky. And she has a daughter named. Tasha and she just so happened to move in with us. Well after a year she got her GED and she got a good job that could help her get though her schooling and stuff. Then on are Christmas she has the fucking nerve to tell my family that she is going to move back in with her mum. 

Ok I’m sorry but can you say that agin. You came here saying you hated living with your mum and now your going to go back over there and you going to GO RIGHT BACK INTO THE FUCKING HOLE YOU JUST CAME OUT OF!!!!!!! After my family did everything they could to make you life happy you have the right to tell us that you were just going to go and make it bad agin. After you just go out of the hole and back on track of things your turning around and giving up and........ I cant be you. Your leaving a family that cares about you. Your leaving a family that gave you everything and only made you pay for a phone bill. And your leaving them for what?!!?!?! You go back and get stuck in a life that you hated before. You came here say how much you wanted to change your life and never be like that agin yet here you are going back home and going to fall right back into the same life you where living. Do you not see what your doing?!? Do you? Cause to me it looks like you are giving up and saying that you don’t want to try anymore. You want to be lazy. Like always.

Ok so i’m sorry but I had to get that off my cheats it’s been bugging me and I have to do it. And you might not understand cause your not a part of my family and stuff. Or maybe you do. Comment below and tell me if you relate. Thanks and have a good rest of the week. Also comment if you have a ran’t page or have some ideas of some rant I could do.

Thanks!!!! -Samantha. 

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