Have you ever had tho’s people that think they are all that and they think that they can get everything they want. But one day they wake up and relieve that maybe if they were nice and shit to there parents that maybe, just maybe they might have nice friends. No friends that use them because they have money or because they have nice things. Ok so in my school you know like in every high school you have to kids that parents make tons of money. And then there people like me and my friends who’s parents don't make tons of money yet they make a the right amount to get by and to support a family. Well what really sucks is when the pop-tarts as I call them, decide that today is going to be the day I pick on this kid cause of how much money they have. First off bitch listen here, You don’t have ton’s of money. Your parents do. PARENTS being the key word. You don’t have all the greens you only have what is in your bank account that you only know of once you in 6th or 5th grade when you finally release that your parents have been putting money aside for you for when you get older. Seconded of all. Just cause you wear designer jeans dose not mean that you are cool. Ok it mean s that you are stupid and spend tons of money on jeans that you would only wear maybe one or twice. Unlike me who would spend $20 bucks on a good pair of jeans and where them a good amount of times. See the problem is. is that you dumb nut don't see the real fucking value of money. Like people like me, See for me I only spend my money when I really truly need it. Like I don't go out and buy tons of shit just cause it looks nice or it may be the best new thing. No bitch ok I save my money for school to buy lunch. I save my money to buy shoes and headphone. Just so my parents don’t have to buy it for me all the time. No when I get money Like on my birthday. I have to make it last till the summer time and then I have to save that money for school and that’s a good $600 dollar’s I get but that has to last a good 6 months before I get my christmas money that is maybe $50 buck here and the rest in gift card to place’s I would never go. But you pop-tarts would get a good $1,000 dollar’s a year if you asked you mum’s and dad’s for it. And don't say no and stop reading cause it’s true and you know it. You know that what i’m saying is true. You know that everything I have said is true and don't say it’s not cause bitch me and you both now it is. I don't care right now if I hurt your feeling’s cause bitch you hurt mine every time you walk past em and laugh. cause I know 2 seconds before that you were not laughing. No but once you walk past me and see that I don't have much to show. You laugh cause you know if you where in my spot you would do everything you could to get out of it. You would try your hardest to go back to the life you had before. You would want to go back to living where all you had to do was ring a bell and you would have people at your feet ready to do whatever you told them. You would want to go back to living where you had fancy meals. Cause I bet your stomachs couldn’t handle my lower class meals. Because you used to getting 3 full meals a day where I am only getting one. Cause I cant afford it.

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