#6 I Think. I Don't Know I Forgot

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Ok so you might need to sit down for this one cause it’s basically a bunch of different topics into one huge rant. Well that’s not any different from my other rant’s but I mean this one has like different topics but into it. I couldn’t really find one main topic for the rant so I’m doing a bunch of little one’s put into one. I really did not want to put up like 7 little rants so...............why not make one big one!!!! 

Ok so this week. oh this week has been crazy. My ex started talking to me agin and honestly I don’t really wanna be talking to him but I’m doing it anyways cause I’m a nice person. I don’t want to rude and be like “Fuck You! I don’t wanna talk to you” No I'm not like that to people. Well most people anyways. My 2 Best friends broke up because of something I believe to be was the making of someone how like the one girl but dose not want to tell her and. So she told the girl she like that her gf was cheating on her and it’s just all big one fucked up mess. Also my BEST friend or I call her my older sis. She had sex with her gf. Well kind of........ Is hard to write this case I want to say names so badly but I cant cause if they read my rant I don’t want them to know i’m talking about them. Also this weekend I’m going to my little cousins birthday party. I’m pray I don’t have to watch him. He just has so much energy and I just want to tell him to “Sit” and “Stay” but I cant cause he just is a ball of energy and it’s crazy. Also he has a baby brother and I don’t think he know yet what is really going on, but he is a smart kid he will figure it out. 

Next thing would have to be these to kids that go to my school. They are on vine and they think that they are the coolest people ever. Well there not. I mean sure there vines are funny, but I mean they are just fucking high school kids. They are to young to be in this life style. They are going to end up being to fucking Justin BIeber’s if you ask me. Anyway’s I just hope that they end up not like that cause there asses will be kicked out of the U.S and they will end up being in Canada in jail. Because they don’t know how to ask. It dose not really bug me that much but I mean, come on now stop asking like your the world and everyone love’s you because they don’t trust me I would know. 

I just had the best idea ever! AND I FUCKING LOST IT!!!!!!!!!! UgH the problems with being a ranter! OH I GOT IT!!!! 

Ok so this week I am going to start vloging my life and what it is to be in a life of a straight/bi life. Who has to friends that are dating and a friend who is obsessed with anime. Then there is me! A Southern girl at heart and I'm stuck in the city. I don’t know how this is going to work. But it’s going to happen. I’ve always wanted to do this and I cant wait to start.  Any one have ideas of thing’s I can talk about?? Commit below if you do.

You know I feel like when I say that no one dose it. It like you want to do the vary opposite. Is that true?? I don’t know. Ok I have class I’ll talk to all your sexy faces laster.

I love y’all BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! <3 Samantha

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