If I ask you a question. I want a fucking answer. And if I ask a name of a song so I can look it up. Fucking tell me. It’s not that hard to fucking do. Also If you don’t like what I’m doing or I act then fucking leave cause bitch I don’t really give to shit’s if you hate the way I talk or dress. Or just plain you hate me. Leave that’s ok I will be that person that has no friends. That’s fine by me. Now I don’t have to deal with all your bullshit that YOU have to have in your life. Maybe some people like to have a drama free life. Maybe some people just want to have one thing go right in there life. You know maybe you just need to stop being fucking selfish and open your eye and see that I was right and that you where wrong and you need to say sorry and move on. Cause bitch trust me, we all no I’m not going to be saying sorry I never fucking say sorry cause there no fucking need for me to ever say sorry to you. 

Also If you don’t like me then why the fuck are you looking at my shit?? Why are you reading what I write. If you hate me so Fucking much then why? Huh??? Come on tell me why? Is it cause you want to still be there. Or is it cause you want to find shit on me so if we ever get in a fight you can use your words and not have to use you fist cause we all know you suck at fucking fighting. You may think your all big and bad but bitch your not. Unless you come to a fight with a back up you are not going to be fighting no you’ll be stand there scared and stay shit to me to try and hurt me more. NEW’S FALSH!!!!!! YOU’VE DONE THIS TO ME TO MUCH FOR ME TO GET HURT! You think you know how to hurt me but you really don’t.I also have been bullied to much to even think about what your saying. Also once I’m mad I am not going to fucking clam down so your words are just going to make it worst.

So say some more about me?? Go ahead I don’t care. Your just adding more fuel to the fire.

Sorry that was short and kind of old

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