Why do school’s have to have finales? I mean I can do them it’s just really?!? Twice a year. Now that’s to much. And another problem is that I live in Nebraska. Witch mean no snow day’s. witch also means NO STUDY DAY’S!! I mean I might not of study anyways but they would be nice days to sleep in and get shit done. I just I don't know it’s just to much. To. Fucking. Much. Like are you trying to kill me. Cause I think you are. Like I literately think you are trying to murder me with tons and tons of test. 

And me and test don’t mix. I not like a Me+Test+<3. Bitch no. ok no it more like Me+Test= someone better get me a fucking Verdana Smoothie from Scooters cause bitch there is no fucking way i’m going to sit and take test all damn day. No its not happening. Never. Even if you want it to it fucking not. 

And I really hate how teachers say that the finales’ are going to be on only Thursday and Friday. So only give them on Thursday and Friday. Not on fucking Wensday when I’m fucking packed with study and teachers all day long saying. “Today class were going to be study for the finales’!” in that really high annoying voice that no one fucking likes cause it just like finger nails on a chalk bored. Eww no I cant. 

Also, It’s like the last think you do before Christmas Brake. I mean really what happened to watching a movie in all my classes the last 2 day’s before brake. NOT IN MY HIGH SCHOOL! you only get that in elementary school. That’s why my message to little kids is. Don’t grow up. It’s a fucking trap and your going to hate it. 

On a different topic. You know how you have tho’s people who are like 30 and have no kids and are never around kids and there like “Santa Clause Is Real” BITCH NO HE FUCKING AINT!!!! I’ve know since 10 that he is really my mum and dad and 12am being ninjas putting gifts under the fake tree we have. That’s another thing that bug’s me is how you have the Christmas music and all the fucking people who over due the hole christmas lights thing. I mean come on now. I’m ok with lights going around the top of your house and around your pouch and maybe one blow up. put really in your tree’s and on the ground and making them change with music. Don't get me wrong it’s amazing to watch but it’s just like come on, you really do need something to do. or a job!  I understand why you would do it but idk. I will never understand people like them. never. 

Back on to the topic of Santa Clause. Ok no I’ll tell you he’s real until your 10. then your parents can brake you heart and tell you he’s not real. I don't want to be that mean person and make a kids cry. IT’S A KID!! I want to make kids happy not sad and crying cause they find out that there parents where lying to them. I love kids I could never do that. I love kids to much. 

There’s also the buying gifts for someone. I mean what do you get them. The biggest person I had trouble getting a gift for would have to be my boyfriend I mean what do you get him. do you get him this. Or this. Would he like this or no. Also my best friend Allison cause she, is idk she just hard. Cause no joke she made a slide show about what she wants for Christmas. It was over 100 slides. 100!!!!! THAT’S A LOT OF SHIT SHE WANT’S!!! well she get’s what she get’s and she better fucking love it. And my friend Lexi well she picked her stuff out so she is going to love it. And kara idk it’s simple yet she will love it I hope. I just don't want to have to be all the test for school. That’s just to much work. and it’s going to take for ever to. 

Any who, I’m running out out things to talk about i’m sure i’ll have more by the end of the day. Hey there migh even be 2 rant’s posted today. Who know’s?? Got to go, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <3 Samantha 

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