Two - Intro and Cases

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"Guys, we have another case," Suho waves a file which contains of papers with profiles about this particular girl.

He sits on their couch at headquarters, smiling. Together with the other Menders, they sit with him. Chanyeol is sipping his coke-zero while Baekhyun's nonstop chattering continues. Xiumin is beside him eating some chips, Lays. While the others are not yet around (since they have other business to first attend to) they'll come in time after their usual work. As usual, every meeting is scheduled at this time for this part time job. Suho's excitement is heard when he calls them about this new case.

A rare case.

"I think this is a tough one." Another member of Menders, Chanyeol, grabs the folder and starts to read the information. In the group, Chanyeol is the happy go lucky guy: a happy virus, romantic, but with a side of seriousness and cold aura at times. His full name is Park Chanyeol. He's an actor (well-known overseas), a composer who loves to sing, and an aspiring photographer.

Suho is the leader that handles upcoming cases for them to work on. While he is the mature type and also the bright one, he's also the grandpa as all the members call him. He loves to joke around, but they never find his jokes funny at all. His real name Kim Junmyeon, a CEO of his very own business named EKLM.

Baekhyun's the cute, pretty boy and the clingy type. He will say the sweet words that every girl loves to hear - a sweet talker - and the energetic type. His full name is Byun Baekhyun. He's a professor with a doctorate degree in mathematics. Then here comes Xiumin, the eldest. His real name is Kim Minseok. CEO of a well-known coffee shop in Seoul, Seoki's Café. He's the shy and quiet type of a guy. More reserved and a coffee lover, he actually already has someone in mind. But still, based on their pact made as a Mender, no one is allowed to be in a relationship for a while. They can still decide for themselves, though.

"Where are the others?" Came D.O. His real name is Do Kyungsoo. Still in his coat as someone who just came from his work, he is a CEO in a family business company who owns a lot of restaurants. When he is free, he also works as a chef there. He's a good natured guy and an obsessive type when it comes to the girl he likes, but still a gentleman. He can be considered clingy too.

"It's freezing outside." Kyungsoo said while puffing into his both hands. "Is there any case for us? It's been awhile since. I want to work again as Menders." Removing his coat, he puts it in the armchair and sits beside Minseok. Suho discusses while the rest nods. "We do and from her profile she is a hard to get type of woman. She doesn't even want to associate with men right now. Some information about her needs to be clarified with her personally,"

"HEY HEY HEY!" Sehun strides in, coming closer to the group together with Jongdae, Kai and Lay. His full name is Oh Sehun and he is the youngest, cold looking, tall and lean. Together with Kai, they can both be considered the cold type together.

Kai's real full name is Kim Jongin and has the soft side every girl could ever wish for, as well as being very protective who also respects girls really well.

They can also be the jerk type when it comes to players, let's say playboys who play with the girls' feelings. The main cause of heartbreaks. There will be no mercy for them. They can be considered as knights in shining armor, however. Alike as they are, they are somehow different. Sehun can be the persistent type and lively while Jongin is the shy type. Both are models abroad, in the United States of America.

Chen, or Kim Jongdae, is the beagle type. A happy virus as well, he has a bright personality, is a kind hearted man, and the understanding type. He's a CEO of a perfume company in South Korea, operating in the fashion and fragrance sectors that is a well-known brand named JDs.

While Lay or Zhang Yixing, is the most modest and obedient type of a guy that any girl could ever wished for; absolute boyfriend material who will take a girl seriously and also the loyal type. A CEO of furniture shops that exports all the way from China. Most their clients fall for him, but as part of his job description as a Mender they played as match makers as well so problem solved. He will never take girls for granted.

Yixing says with seriousness in his tone. "We have another case? Finally." Being a Mender has never been easy for him, but he just can't stand knowing another broken hearted girl.

Sehun snorts all of a sudden and rolls his eyes with excitement as well. "I can't wait to work on this. Who's the asshole who broke her heart?" Sehun's knuckles turn white, and he starts posing like how he's ready for a fight. He hates a man who plays a girl's heart. He hates all men who are a jerk to the core.

Jongin stands up all of a sudden with his serious and cold demeanor tone. "Agree with you there." He leans against the wall beside him and puts his hands in his pocket.

All Menders are now listening to their leader who discusses their new case.

Suho introduces the new case, "It will be our first time handling this type of case. Most of our cases are of depressed girls, the ones who have been cheated on or those that used to have an abusive lover. You know the common problems when it comes to love or relationship problems. So this will be our first time to handle this hard-to-get type of a girl. She considers herself strong and can manage without having a boyfriend plus she's a picky type too. So, we need to be ready with her. With an outlook like hers, she'll end up being alone without a husband until she gets old. And we don't like that to happen. Her three best friends have submitted her information to us just a while ago. They're really worried about her. Based on her past relationships she's single ever since. They call her "no boyfriend since birth" and it's quite alarming for them since she's the picky type after all and if this continues on it will be very hard for her. That's why they found out about us. They got really worried and asked for our help." Suho sighs as he hates the fact that no one recognize her worth as a woman.

The other Menders are now thinking carefully about their new client's situation. It will be hard to approach this kind of girl if she doesn't want to interact with guys at all.

Chanyeol adds sipping with his third cola. "Based on further information, she doesn't socialize well with the opposite sex. Though she does have quite a large group of friends, she prefers to spend her time with her three best friends only and the other time she spent it alone in her house with her parents and aunt. She spends most of her time with older people and has had good relationships with older people. She's 23, a 92 liner. She's outgoing too with a friendly personality, but still she spends time with a lot of people showing that she has no problem with socializing in general. So that, it's strange since she's able to talk to everybody around her but men. She may find a hard time when coming into a relationship. Even more, we may be pressuring her into having her first."

Kyungsoo blurts all out that is on his mind. "Right now we need to come up with a plan on how we can help her. For her to interact and socialize well. We may have to help her fall in love again. She has fallen in love before, but was rejected. I think she's given up on love. She's bitter. Nevertheless, I think there's still a chance. She needs us more than ever. We have to help her. Let's mend her."

Lay nods while thinking carefully who is too soft and respectful.

Suho calls out for Xiumin as he has connections with Dr. Lee, their friend and working psychiatrist for Menders. "Alright then, I'll call Dr. Lee to consult him in this case so that we can manage what we can do for her. Minseok hyung, come with me."

They're a group of elites that remain anonymous through their job and should only work secretly. They're not requesting any type of payment, the Menders have vowed to only help any woman who may need them out of the wholehearted kindness of their heart. With virtually no boundaries as Menders, they are free to exercise their will and own decision making. There is only one rule that is to be followed:

Honesty is always.

This is their number one and only rule as a Heart Mender. As Suho would always say, there is no need to cause any further emotional problem when they mend. That is why they need to remain as honest as possible in every situation. Being truthful as they mend is very important and critical.

They must think very carefully of their actions, thoughts and feelings.

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