Three - Her

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"I've been single all my life and well... I'm still managing. I manage to be myself quite well but... Sometimes... I do wish that I can have someone. No one in this world lives to be alone. I wish to have someone... Like a lover."

- You


You don't want to be late for the reunion with your close friends so that's why you run as fast as you can. "OH MY GOSH!" You panic as you ran while crossing the street near the cafe. Puffing and sighing, you gasp, "I'm late, I'm late. I hope they're not mad at me. Oh please!" Closing your eyes you run faster.

"Phew! Finally, I'm here guys! So,  what's up?" Looking at your three friends, you basically see them  staring at your disheveled hair

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"Phew! Finally, I'm here guys! So, what's up?" Looking at your three friends, you basically see them staring at your disheveled hair. You take a seat. Beside you on your right side is Kwon Hyera while on your left is Kim Yoojin and facing you is Park Sujeon. They're the love of your life, your true friends who are always there beside you, even through thick or thin.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm here already so stop staring. What's this meeting all about?" You look at them with curiosity. Last night you had gotten an e-mail from them about this reunion thing. It basically outlined something regarding you. You think clearly as you don't know what this meeting is all about.

"You should rest for a while. You know... And you really do need a boyfriend!" You glare all of a sudden at your best buddy, Sujeon. She looks like lecturing you already. You had just come and was quite tired and yet she's telling you about this.

Seriously, you're starting to get irritated. Sujeon is quite the frank and fearless, tough friend you have and a very good friend of yours, making her a real person to you.

"Park Sujeon! You know I don't need one. I'm basically fine without a boyfriend." You're so not in the mood to talk about having a relationship. You think you'll end up in a debate with her regarding this topic.

"I think you should have one, really. Just look at you. Seeing you right now, you seem happy, but I know that deep inside you're lonely. You're not fine." Hyera, the gentle friend of yours says while suddenly holding your right hand and looking intently at you.

"Yes, and so we did something for you. You must not say no to this okay?" Kim Yoojin spoke up. "Here, drink your latte first." You took the drink from her as she hand it to you and started to taste it. After that, you look at her, breaking the confusion you have about this meeting with them, when you see her taking her phone from her bag pocket. She opens up an e-mail from her phone and hands it to you.

As you start to read, your eyes get bigger until you finish the e-mail. "What's this? A blind date? No, please. Anything but this. Yoojin... No, please." You shifted in your seat and look at your best friend, closing your palms together and rubbing it as you face and beg for them to stop.

"I already warned you not to say no. You have to go and meet your blind dates! Do you understand?" She points her index finger at you as if she is lecturing a grade school student, indicating that she's really serious about it.

"You just have to try dating. It's all on for us and whatever happens, we're here for you. Okay? We'll support you all the way so you better go and attend your blind dates. Besides, you'll not only date just one guy. You have so many guys to meet and to choose from." Sujeon speaks up all of a sudden with a bright and positive energy. You feel like panicking and look at all of them with an indescribable expression.

"Guys! Are you crazy? I don't believe in these so called blind dates. Plus, you never know if I could be dating a psychopath! Seriously, I will give it a try if I do it once and only once." You start to think of different excuses that allows for them to reconsider or even just to get out of the situation. You start freaking out, overthinking and overreacting at what may happen during or even after the blind dates if you go.

"Hey girl, just relax. Don't be pessimistic and take a deep breath. You know that we will never let you get hurt from this or even let you be in danger. We're just finding you someone that is right for you. You can possibly meet your soulmate. This will be a great opportunity for you to find someone. I'll take the job for your make-over and such so no worries." Hyera assures you while calming you down.

"Plus, Yoojin took this thing quite seriously for you - actually, all of us did... We found very good blind dates for you from this reputable agency. So there should be no problem. You'll just need to attend these blind dates of yours and get to know the possible lover for you, so isn't it great?"

Sujeon encourages you further. You look at all of them one by one, and feel the courage to attend, but is still in doubt and quite anxious. You have always said no when it comes to things like this, but this time you're feeling different and the feeling you have right now, you just can't explain.

You glance once again at Yoojin's phone which you're still holding, while your friends continue smiling happily at you.

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