All we know

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At first, guys, I'm so sorry for not uploading for a long time. And thank you for 1K! I'm so honored and thankful! Love you and hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Shawn's P.O.V.

"God, Camila!" I breathed out while entering our room with no breath.

She was sitting on the floor, leaning on the bed, her makeup smudged all around her eyes by tears and her eyes were red of crying.

"I haven't cried," she shaked her head and dried her wet cheeks.

I was so broken. I hated to see her lika that. "What happened? I was so scared when you didn't come to the class!" I sat next to her on the floor.

"I'm so stupid, that happened," she said bitterly.

"Did he something to you?" I said with my teeth clenched.


"So what happened?"

"Nothing, he just... I just... god. He just said the truth," she shrinked her eyebrows. "And truth hurts."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I looked at her.

"I feel sick of myself, so I better be silent," she whispered disgustedly.

"Babe," I put my hands and lifted her head to make her look me in my eyes. My hands looked so huge on her face. "I don't know what happened there, but I'm sure I'll deal with him later. But it hurts me to see you're hurting."

"I don't deserve you," her eyes filled with tears. "I don't deserve anything of this. Why are you doing this."

"Because I love you like I haven't loved anyone in my life yet. And it brakes me to see you suffer. And it brakes me even more that I know you won't let me deal with the asshole."

The little smile that appeared on her face made me so much more calm. I took her to my arms in spite of her objection and brought her to the bed. "Take a rest," I kissed her to her hair.

"Can you take rest with me?" her eyes begged me.

I grinned. "Sure," I sat next to her.

"I feel so bad," she sighed. "Did you see his face? He had to feel terrible when he saw us together this morning."

"I know, that was kinda arrogant of us to show there like nothing happened, but it's not your fault at all."

"Do you think?"

"At least not only your fault. I was there too, holding your hand."

"Do you know what's kinda funny?" she said while resting her head on my shoulder. "I feel so guilty for that and at the same time I'm just sitting here with you and feeling so comfortable," she smirked. "I should go to him and say sorry at least. Better than nothing."

"Haha you absolutely shouldn't."

"What?" she looked at me with her not-understanding face which made me laugh.

"I mean, ok. What we did wasn't gentle, but if he's a man, he should deal with it like a normal human. And he absolutely shouldn't make you feel like you're the one who's guilty. He better watch his back."

Camila's P.O.V.

My parent's always taught me to treat everyone well, even the other people treated me wrong. That was the main reason why I couldn't get my behavior out of my head for a long time. But they also taught me not to live in the past. I remember my mom was so upset when I regreted a thing for so long, but I didn't really do something to fix it. "Va y hace las cosas bien," she always told me. "El futuro es más más importante."

Every second I thought about the person they raised in me I was realizing how much I miss them here, and how much I want to be a kid again and hug them so tight and never let them stop. I call myself a glad kid for sure, and I am so thankful to God for having them.

I belive that God has a reason for every person to be here. I believe in destiny, and as more as I think about it, I even believe there's a reason why Shawn and I have met. I am sure I taste real and deep feelings everytime I see him, I can say that I have thousand butterflies in my stomach when we kiss. I can say that I'm growing up so fast right now. And even life brings me down, and sometimes I feel like I haven't got enough power to stand on my feet again, I always do it. When not on my own, there are a few people that I can for sure say about they're are gonna help me even if it is the hardest thing they would do.

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