Earlier than expected

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One second I'm pulling my diploma from the mail, and in almost like the very next second my water broke.

Cara drove me to the hospital and they told me I had been in labor since yesterday. I gave birth to Luna 40 minutes later on December the 1st. A week before my due date.

She was the most beautiful baby I had ever set eyes upon. But then again, I could be biased.

I doubt it though.

Luna was born with a full head of thick black hair and big amber colored eyes. The nurses couldn't stop fussing over her, and I couldn't really blame them.


"Duke, where's Ma?" Kade asked walking into the house. His brother following behind helping to carry Kade's suitcases.

"She went to the hospital this morning--"

"She's at the hospital?! Is she okay?"

"She's fine, but uh, we should go see her."

Duke told himself that he wasn't exactly lying. She was at the hospital, she'd been with Paige since the birth. He hadn't gone to see his new Neice yet, still holding a grudge against Paige for lying to Kade.

Kade's mind was whirling with panicked thoughts. Trying to work out why his mother would be at the hospital. He had been so happy only this morning, planning on surprising her by coming home early. Now all he could think about was if everything was okay.

The drive there was quiet and strained, neither one willing to break the silence. Each too caught up in their own thoughts.


"Paige, she's the most beautiful baby." Maggie whispered, her eyes never leaving the baby nestled in her arms.

"I thought so too." I was leaning back against the head of the bed. Watching Maggie hold Luna lovingly.

"She has Kade's eyes." Cara said, leaning over Maggie's shoulder to see better.

They had both been with me the whole time. I was immensely grateful, too, because I absolutely abhor hospitals. If I hadn't been worried for Luna making her appearance early, I wouldn't have bothered coming to one. I actually had planned to have her at home, but she had other plans.

Frowning I look towards the door, hearing someone damn near running down the hallway.

"What's that about?" I asked just as Kade came through the door, with Duke right behind him.

Kade stilled in the doorway. His eyes trained on his mother, or more precisely on Luna. I could practically feel the wheels turning in his head. His eyes flickered to me, then to the hospital bassinet she was wheeled into the room in. There was a sign on it that I knew read "baby McNiall". I could tell from his body language as soon as he read it.

"I'm, uh, going for coffee." Cara said, inching past Kade's frozen form, dragging her husband out with her.

The door closing seemed to break the trance, as Kade finally spoke.

"She's mine, isn't she." It was meant as a question, but it came out more of a statement. Kade still looking only at Luna.

"Yes." I all but whispered, scared of what he would say. What he would do.

When he finally looked at me, his eyes burned with anger and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was low and hard. I could tell that he was trying to keep his emotions in check, but still I saw them behind his eyes.

"I found out the day you left--"

"You should have told me then." He said, cutting me off. Then my anger resurfaced as well.

"And you should have called me when you left. I waited for you." I was seething. Angry at him and angry at myself.

"Everyone needs to calm down. Now." Maggie commanded, standing from her chair and walking over to me.

She handed me my daughter and moved to walk out of the room. She stopped beside Kade, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you're upset now, son, but just go look at that baby's face, she's a gift from God. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Don't say anything that you'll regret later."

With her piece said, she left us alone.

"Kade, I didn't mean to keep this from you." I spoke softly, Luna asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful, without a care in the world, completely unaware of the turmoil in the room.

"And I didn't mean to leave like that, Paige. I meant what I said. I love you. I've loved you since we where kids in school. I'm just hurt that you would keep such a monumental secret from me." He had moved to stand beside the bed, only an arms length away.

"I didn't tell you then, because-- because I was afraid that you wouldn't even remember taking my virginity. I was scared that you wouldn't believe me. I mean who waits until they're twenty to have sex? Surely I should have had others--"

"You were a virgin? Oh my God. I'm so sorry, I was so drunk it couldn't have been a pleasant experience for you. And to end up pregnant from your first time. I am truly sorry for what I put you through, but would never walk away from you. Nor would I ever feel anything but love for her." He had sat down heavily in the chair beside the bed, reaching for my free hand.

I didn't know what to say. So I said the only thing I could think of.

"Would you like to hold your daughter?" His eyes lit up and he nodded. I could only smile at his reaction as I maneuvered her so that I could place her in his arms. She snuggled into his warmth, she must have known that she was safe in his arms.

"She's gorgeous, Paige. She looks just like you." He smiled down at her, and her eyes opened to reveal the most precious set of amber eyes. They would surely change as she got older, but they would always have that golden hue to them.

"But she has your eyes." I told him, leaning back into my pillow as tiredness started to over take me.

"What's her name?"

"Luna Kari McNiall." I fell asleep watching Kade hold our daughter. Hoping that, maybe, everything had worked itself out.

At least for the time being.

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