Christmas morning

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Luna woke up again at 5am, so I decided just to stay awake. There was no sense in going back to sleep when I would be up again shortly to open gifts with the family.

Kade was the first to wake up, about an hour later.

"Did we wake you?"

"No, I'm still on my old schedule from work. My body's not used to sleeping in." Kade said while stretching. He yawned and sat beside me. I was holding Luna so he lay his head on my shoulder to better look at her.

His weight next to me was somehow reassuring.

"She went back to sleep a little bit ago, I didn't want to disturb you putting her back in the bassinet."

"I'll go put her to bed if you make some coffee, Ma will be up soon." He said standing and reaching for her. She looked so minuscule in his strong arms, tinier than she already was.

Maggie and Cara woke shortly after the coffee was brewed.

"Jen is on her way over." Maggie said and accepted the coffee offered to her.


We were all sipping coffee and watching Maggie cook breakfast when Jen arrived. She was all smiles as she picked up Luna, who was happily cooing away in her portable crib.

Jen loved Luna more than I could say. More than she loved me even, which I couldn't fault her for. I couldn't name a single person who didn't love Luna immediately after meeting her.

"Hey pretty girl, keep your ma up all night?" She asked her, kissing her head and earning a grin in return.

"Nope. I let her daddy have the honors." I hid my own grin behind my coffee cup, but couldn't keep it from showing in my eyes as I looked toward Kade.
"I woke up to find them both passed out on the couch. I wished I'd had a camera."

This caused the whole table to laugh and Kade's ears to turn red at the tops.

"That sounds so sweet!" Cara gushed, beaming at me.

"It was the cutest thing I've ever seen." I said, earning a smirk from Kade. His ego recovering quickly. He always was a cocky one.

"Give me my child before you drop her." Kade commanded playfully, but Jen laughed and complied, passing the baby to him.

"See, it's too cute to see them together." Cara said to Duke, not so subtly hinting that she wanted to have a baby as well. Duke wasn't the most observant however, so he simply nodded and took another drink of his coffee.

"Well, it's time to open gifts. Go get everything ready while I clean up breakfast." Maggie smiled and started gathering plates.


By the time I had all the gifts separated and handed out Maggie was finished in the kitchen.

"Ma, you start." Duke offered her one of the many boxes from her gifts.

She nodded and opened the box. It was a gorgeous knitted drape cardigan, which she immediately wrapped herself in.

"Thank you Cara." And when Duke made a face added. "And you too Duke." She laughed.

We all laughed as well. Duke pouted, but only for a second before he started to laugh as well.

I had never had a Christmas filled with such laughter and happiness. When I was a child my family was very reserved and Christmas was no different, cold and mechanical. Like they where just going through the motions.


Later that day Maggie, Cara, Jen, and I all in the kitchen baking cookies. We left Duke and Kade to watch the baby, she had gone back to sleep so they should be fine.

Maggie and I mixed batches of cookies to take to friends and family, while Cara and Jen where decorating the ones that were already cooled.

"So, have you been on another date with Kade yet?" Jen asked, grinning like a cheshire cat.

"No, I decided that if I was really going to try, that I would be more involved in planning dates. I just can't think of a good date." I said brushing flour from my hands.

"What about New Years!?" Cara asked excitedly.

"Why? Isn't that a little cliche?"

"No, it's perfect!" Jen exclaimed, nodding eagerly and exchanging knowing looks with Cara.

"Yeah, and Duke and I can take Luna for the night."

"But why is it perfect?"

"Because it follows the adage of 'a new year, a new you'. So it follows that it would mark the start of a new relationship, a fresh start." Maggie said as she pulled another tray of cookies from the oven.

"Exactly." Jen agreed reaching for a cookie.


Kade drove us home that evening. Luna was fast asleep in her carrier in the back seat.

"I would like to go on another date."

"Really? You've come up with an idea then?" He asked he smirked, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"Yes. Pick me up on New Year's Eve, Cara and Duke will watch Luna." I said looking out the window at the trees passing. It was dark and they were just shadows in the black of night.

"Do I have any say in our plans?" He laughed as he pulled into my driveway.

"Hmm. You can choose dinner, but afterwards. . . Afterwards you are at my disposal." I finally turned to look at him, my grin spread slowly across my face.

"Yes ma'am." He laughed, mock saluting me.

It was like how it had been in high school. An easy friendship. But this time we both wanted more, and Kade was willing to go at my pace. Even if that meant waiting and winning my trust. He already had my heart, but I wasn't ready to let him know how much I cared. Not yet anyway.

Because I loved him. Even if I hadn't always loved him, I loved him now. More than I had ever loved anyone before, or could ever love anyone ever again.

It sounded stupid when I finally admitted it to myself, but I never professed to being an intelligent person.

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