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Hello I am Terry Simon's ex girlfried or in my real role in Simon's life the cover up of his true love - Paula Abdul

You probably know that we are close friends to Simon's desamy - after Eric was born I became Simon contact person with Paula and he HATES this.

You see in his mind and heart he can't live with her so far from him - before the scandal broke she ALWAYS was one call away, nowdays she is not that close - they meet just when she comes to my house - I'm there to help both of then to stop doing stuff they use to do, does this works? Of course not

Simon just can't keep his hands to himself - he must hold her CLOSE to him - he NEEDS her to be THAT close - that's why she isn't around him in any event - it a known fact to her and I'm sure to all the world too, that when she is around, not babymama, not baby and not even engement ring is metter - Paula is HIS jeloury, he would hold her, play with her hair, whisper to her ear and the world soon be forgatenn.

Lauren is aware of this too that's why she was pissed off when Simon want to the Idol finale - she knew as everyone that Simon has no interst  to celebirate that show end - he hated Poller 'cause he made him let go of the format - he hated Nigel because he is working with Paula on "So You Thing You Can Dance" and most of all he hated Fox  for the stupid thing they MADE him do - he hated FOX for firing Paula he still believes that if she would've stayed the show would grow. his ONLY interest on that night was to be there with Paula, for the last time, maybe ever, at least on American TV.

And she was EVEN more pissed off when Paula came to the AGT finale not because of Paula, of course - Paula just came after Howie asked her to come - Simon didn't even been part of her invition but she saw Simon's reaction - I'm not talking about the HUGE smile that appeared on his face once she made it to the stage or his standing ovesion, but about what happened when the cameras were off - you can't even count to three and Simon ALREADY hugged Paula - this made it clear to EVERONE on this room who is Simon's love and it clearly not the woman who gave him his son.

The hug last short minute - to Simon's disappointment - Paula felt Lauren envy stare so she let go of Simon and once it happened she saw his sad expiration,

"I missed you, you know why you play like posh space? Give Simey a REAL hug"

"First of all I need to leave. secondly your girlfriend over there don't really like the fact you hug me like that"

"You don't need to go you are just running away of the fact"

"The fact you are in real relationship, you mean"

In that moment I inturpt the pair

"Paula darling I'm so threald to see you"

"Go away T, we are busy"

"Get you ass to the make up room and let me walk Paula to her car"

"Thank beby you saved me"

"We a didn't end our talk Paula"

"He willl never let go of you, you got him"

"Yet she got his son AMD his home let's in her hand"

"As much he loves his boy he loves you even MORE and you knew he didn't change his lockes so you can be back whenever you want to"

"Sometimes love isn't strong enough"

"Come of it, if you just give him the smallest hint you want to be his again He
would leave everything for you"

"That was what you told me when you been together and when Mish came arount, but yet again I ended up alone with my four baby dogs"

"How many years you gonna act like you two were nothing - we both know it the wrost lie you ever made youeself belive in"

"He chose her, her! - we are done" 

"You will never be done and you know it"

Now I kissed her goodbye and she was gone

After the show Simon took me to his dressing room and locked the door, oh no it not good, he is angry.

"What is going on?"

"You shouldn't let her run off like it"

"You still waiting for her  hint, don't you?"

"She would've gave me a hint IF YOU wouldn't help her leave like that"

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