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"You remember, one time you put you hand in my lag and took it away?"

"You took it back, hold it tighter, and before I stood up to leave you kissed it"

"I wanted you to come to my dressing room but the break was too short"

"In this break I told my driver to leave and waited for the show to end"

"When the show ended the four of us stood in Randy's room and you looked tired"

"I asked who can take me home and I stared at your eyes"

"I took your hand before they could answer and you got closer and closer to me and kissed my ear"

"I don't know what came over me but I was so happy after I kissed you and hold into you"

"Ryan said that I shouldn't play with you and you told him: "I am big girl Secrest"

"You jumped to my arms and told me you want to leave"

In the car

"It's Reggie, my driver"

"You must be Paula Abdul"

"Oh you are a dear, call me Paula"

"I can't stop stare at you while you talk with Reg"

"I enjoyed the way you stared at me - I felt wanted"

"Then you set on me and I couldn't can't find words to speesk"

"I talk with Reg some more and your hold got tighter minute that passes"

"Then you told me to look in your eyes and it just happened - our lips met"

"I enjoyed too much and told Reg "I waited all night to this lad to make a move, oh god, people say Brits are slow but it was too much"

"He still don't know you enough"

"He just didn't realize yet how to play his cards"

"Miss, sorry Paula, he plays his card wonderful you are in his car"

"Three years late"

"You just too good he was afraid he might fall in his own plan"

"Plan, Si?"

"My plan was to make American's sweetheart to fall for me but I ended up falling in a way I never felt before, so I did what I knew and it was to date date someone simple  to avoid my feeling but poor Terri it didn't worked and I felt like I was in a cage with a cover up"

"As a cover up? You know those things kick you in the end"

"You think, I don't know it, I am dying to touch you but I know if I do I can't stop"

"So don't, I am around Hollywood enough we can find a way"

"It don't kill you to see me with Terri if we date, secretly?"

"It would make me jealous as hell but we don't have any other option"

"We get to your house Paula"

Reggie announced.

"Reg she will sleep at mine, I don't want her to stay alone tonight"

"Si you can tall Reg the truth, you want to hold me close just like this"

"Shut it woman"

"Oh no man, it seems you make her angry, you gonna sleep in the sofa tonight"

"Thank you for the lovely ride Reg, it was lovely to meet you"

"The pleasure was mine"

"You gave him annoyed look and we get in your house"

"He literary hit on you"

"But I am here"
You gave me a wink

"Where do you want to sleep?"

"Don't really matter as long you hold me close"

"I thought..."

"One more word and I will rip your shirt right here, right now"

"And then you kissed me and everything felt like a movie"

"You took me in your arms and I don't remember how but we ended up in your bed"

"We made love and it was the first time I even made love with anyone and you said"

"They right, Brits more sexy them Americans, specially you"

"What was that?"

"I didn't felt wanted so much for so long"

"Americanas are idiots, you should be crounded as the sexist woman, no one interested in "half meal" like Angelina Julie"

"She is not that thin"

"I didn't meant you are fat, you are perfect, you are a human witch I can hold and I love every inch of your body, anyone who says you are fat is just idiot"

"You know I believe the best way to stay fit is to be sexually active with the person you love"

"Tell me why we didn't met ten years ago, I would save you from your stupid ex husband"

"You were to busy with Sinitta I think"

"I should have came to LA to meet you two weeks before you met him, what an idiot I was to not come we would've been together since then"

"We are together now"

"It gonna be hard to have you around without having you..."

"We are in it together"

"You got me"

"What I did to get you?"

"That's is the question I can't answer you, you should ask my mom"

She got himWhere stories live. Discover now